Chapter 3: (Y/n)

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I was pretty relaxed at home by myself. That was until I heard gunshots from outside.

"What's going on?!" I asked as a soldier ran past me.

"The german's have invaded!" The soldier told me before running off to go get more artillery.

I burst into my boss' room.

"Boss!" I yell, "the Germans have invaded!"

"Oh, cool," my boss replied looking as drunk as ever, "let England handle it."

"That's the thing," I shout at her. Sometimes she can be a real pain, "England isn't here!"

My boss remained silent before going into a giggling fit. I turned around and left. I went into the barracks and put on some army gear. If my boss was out of it then I can't rely on anyone not even the commanders of my army.

I march toward my soldiers that England gave me and tried to look as strong as possible if only I could stop my legs from shaking.

"Attention!" I shouted, my voice cracking slightly. "I'll be working with your commanders and we'll take down Germany!"

The soldiers just looked back at me blankly and just stood saluting.

"Uh... let's try that again. we'll take down Germany!" I said fist bumping the air.

More silence.

"Wow, tough crowd. Uh, you know you can respond right?" I said

Every soldier looked around slightly confused.

"So... we'll take down Germany!" I repeated.

"YEAH!!" The soldiers fist bumped after me.

"What are you runts doing!?" The commander shouted when he came from around the corner. The soldiers snapped back into their saluting position. "What are you doing (Y/n)?!"

"Wha? I was just... I was trying to be supportive." I replied.

"Hmph, well get back inside where it's safe." The commander replied turning to face his soldiers.

"No, I refuse." I said trying to stand my ground although it felt like my legs were going to buckle from underneath me.

"What?!" The commander shouted back at me.

"I will be just like the other soldiers and fight for the country. I won't be weak anymore." I replied. The commander sighed.

"Is your boss ok with this?" The commander asked.

"My boss is currently drunk and couldn't care less about my decision." I answered rather straightforward.

"Fine, but don't come running back to me when you have a bullet wound in you arm. Now get in line!" The commander said before turning back to his soldiers yet again.

"Yes, sir!" I said saluting back at him before I too turned to the soldiers. "Are we ready to fight Germany?!"

"YEAH!" The soldiers shouted back at me. The commander looked agitated but didn't say anything.

"Are you going to defeat Germany?!" I asked.

"YEAH!" The soldiers shouted.

"Then let's do this!" I shouted before pointing in the direction of the battlefield. "Onward!"

"WAHOO!" Shouted all the soldiers as they marched off to get ready.

"And there goes all their discipline." Sighed the commander before marching after them.

I skipped off to get some guns before England's voice echoed in my head.

"Stay away from the front lines." He said.

I gulped realising I had just disobeyed my friend's words. I tried to shrug off the feeling as I walked up to the trenches only to feel a shiver go down my spine.

I don't remember how to use a gun.

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