Chapter 16: England

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It had been a year since world war two ended and I was still waiting for (Y/n) to make her move. Whether she chooses to come back or start another war was up to her and I really wished it was the first one.

I entered the world conference and looked at (Y/n)'s empty chair. It was empty. I took my seat next to America.

"Hey dude! (Y/n) back yet?" America asked stuffing his face with a handburger. I shook my head and stared at the paper in front of me. I felt a hand whack my back and push me into the table. "Don't worry dude, she'll come back."

"Thanks America." I said.

"Now where's the money you owe me?" America asked. I slapped him.

China stood up and started making his speech and started the meeting. I was sure we were forgetting someone but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. It wasn't (Y/n) it was someone else.

"Do you guys know where Canada is?" America asked, completely interrupting China's speech.

"Who's Canada again?" I heard someone ask.

I was surprised I hadn't noticed it before. The fact that America caught on before me was getting on my nerves. Something was definitely wrong.

"Are you sure Canada isn't here?" Someone pointed at America. "That could be him."

I looked at America who looked back at me in confusion. He had some burger crumbs on his face.

"No, that's definitely America." I said.

"Then where's Canada?" Someone asked.

The TV started glitching and instead of China's powerpoint it was replaced by a video of a dark curtain. Mumbling was heard from the speakers.

"Canada?" Someone asked.

A dark figure jumped into frame. They coughed.

"Some of you might know me, some of you maybe not. I know one of you knows me a lot though." A feminine voice said. A shiver shook my body. "You may be wondering where your friend Canada is and I'll answer that right now."

The curtain was pulled to the side and Canada was strapped to a chair with a gag. (Y/n) jumped back into frame.

"My name's (Y/n) and this is your friend Canada, no?" She asked. America dropped his burger. "I'll take that as a yes. Anyway, if you want to save him then you'll have to deliver me as many weapons as possible. I'll let you and Canada talk for a bit, K."

(Y/n) took off Canada's gag and then walked out of frame and you could hear a door close.

"Canada! Dude! Are you alright?!" America asked slamming his hands on the table.

"A-America. I can't r-really say anything. She... She's," Canada looked out of frame and shivered.

"She's vhat?" Germany asked. Canada whispered something but we couldn't hear him.

"What did you say?" I asked. My heart rate speed up.

"I need your help." Canada said. We all nodded. Canada looked to the side again. "You need to bring the weapons. I don't know what she might do."

"We can't bring weapons what if she starts a war?" America said. The lights flickered.

"AAAHHHH, Germany! Germany! Help-a. It's scary!" Italy screamed clinging to Germany's arm.

"Get off of me!" Germany said back.

"Help... me" Canada said again.

"We will Canada don't worry." France said. "But first did you get any hot pictures while you were being kidnapped?"

"I... I," Canada looked to the side again, "I just appeared here."

"Canada you must've just fallen asleep, right England?" America looked over at me and paused when he saw my expression. "England are you alright?"

I had felt all my blood drain from my face when Canada said he 'just appeared' there. She was using more magic. She doesn't realise that over using magic will cause serious consequences. She could go blind or... die.

"This is all my fault." I whispered.

"Hey, England it's all good dude. We'll get this sorted out. (Y/n) will be back to normal again." America replied.

"I don't want to-" Canada stopped when the door opened again. (Y/n) walked back into frame again.

"Sorry guys, seems like your time's up. I'll send you the address that I want the weapons to be sent to. Sending it in person would be even better." She winked. "Also, do it soon. Canada might not be able to last much longer."

She held up a throwing knife and threw it behind her. She stepped aside revealing that it landed right next to Canada's head. Canada had his eyes clenched shut. It looked like tears spilled out of his eyes. (Y/n) looked to the side and then smiled back at us before the TV Shut off. It soon restarted and China's powerpoint was replaced by the address.

"Ahem, so... topic's have changed." China said standing back up. "Canada's been kidnapped and ransomed for weapons that could potentially start another world war. Any plans?"

"I say we give in weapons." Someone said.

"We should think more about this." Another person said.

"Let's just save Canada. That's what a hero would do!" America said.

"England do you know how powerful (Y/n) is?" Someone said.

"That's right, England you raised (Y/n)"

"How did you raise her so badly?"

"I'm sure it's not England's fault."

"Did you see how scared Canada looked. This is a dangerous enemy here."

I looked at the papers again. I took a pen and then started writing down how many weapons each of us had.

"Alright, let's give her half of the weapons we have." I said.

"That's fair."

"Pretty good idea."

"Let's do it."

"Those who second England's idea say aye" China said. Most of the room said aye. "Opposed?"

No one.

"Alright starting tomorrow we'll send the weapons over." China said. "Meeting adjourned."

We all got up and started walking out of the world conference. I really hope (Y/n) dosen't do anything stupid.

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