Chapter 12: (Y/n)

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"(Y/n), are you sure you're alright?" Fredrick asked pointing to my hand.

"Yeah, it's just a little burn." I said drowsily.

"But it takes up your whole hand." Fredrick said.

"I've had worse." I replied before standing up and beginning to put on my gloves.

"You know wearing gloves makes the burn worse." Fredrick said. I shrugged putting the gloves on and wincing slightly.

"Are you ready?" I asked. Fredrick nodded.

We walked out of the planning room and were met by the mind controlled higher ups. They stood with their hands near their pockets as if their hand was a gun and it was inside their holsters.

"Hey, did you do it?" I asked.

"Yes, (Y/n)" The higher ups said before taking their gun shaped hands out of their 'holsters' and pointing them at me. "Bang."

"Tell all the soldiers to bring their jackets to these jacket collection boxes. If they don't comply that's fine, it's their decision. Then bring the boxes back to me. Got it?" I directed.

"Yes, (Y/n)" The higher ups said. "Bang."

The higher ups went off to deliver the news.

"What are you going to do with the jackets?" Fredrick asked.

"Cross-stitch." I replied going back to the planning room and grabbing some needles and thread.

"That wasn't part of the plan." Fredrick said following behind me.

"It's just for a little bit of fun. Can I have your jacket?" I asked. Fredrick looked at me confused but then compiled and gave me his jacket. I took out a piece of paper and drew a magic circle on it. Then I stitched the magic circle onto the back of Fredrick's jacket.

"What's that for?" Fredrick asked.

"Just a little bit of magic. Here you go." I said winking and handing Fredrick back his jacket.

"What is it with you and magic? It seems everything you do relates to magic." Fredrick angrily questioned.

"Oh, but that's because it does." I said. I held my head as another headache formed. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in."

John entered and placed a whole bunch of needles and thread on the table.

"Garry, er, John do you know how many soldiers are in this army?" I asked.

"I don't know the exact number so... a lot of soldiers." John replied in his usual monotone voice. I cringed.

"We're going to be sewing for a long time." I said.

Overtime the higher ups came back with the soldier's jackets. The higher up, John, Fredrick, and I all cross stitched the magic circle I drew on a piece of paper onto the back of the soldier's uniforms. When we finished most of the uniforms it started to get dark.

"Alright, that's enough work. Can you please deliver the jackets back to the soldiers please." I asked the higher ups they agreed because they didn't have any other option since they were mind controlled. I turned back to John and Fredrick. "We start the plan tomorrow."

"Ok." John replied. "Bang."

"Wait, I thought we already started the plan." Fredrick contemplated.

"No, we're starting it tomorrow, do you remember what you're doing?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm taking a unit to the German trenches and trying to knock out as many as possible right after John gives the call." Fredrick said, his voice unsure.

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