Chapter 21: (Y/n)

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My body was getting weaker due to my overuse of magic. We had dropped Germany back off to his house. I sent my ever growing army over to America, France, Italy, China, Japan, and England.

We were winning this war because of my magic. But I wasn't sure if it would stay that way or if I'll make it to the end alive.

I was walking to the shop to get some food when I felt an excruciating pain in my chest. I stumbled to the ground, Fredrick was walking in front of me and heard me scream.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" Fredrick said coming to my side.

"We... need... to... go... home." I said through sharp breaths.

When we got home we turned on the news and found out that one of our cities had just been obliterated by a nuke. John checked my chest and saw a massive burn. He put some cream on it and tried bandaging it up.

"We'll have to start our final plan." I said.

"You can't be serious." Fredrick said.

"It's the only way." I said.

"It's too dangerous! I won't let you." Fredrick replied.

"We have no other choice Fredrick." John said.

I started drawing the magic circle and preparing the army.

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