Chapter 13: Germany

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"It seems zat ze (Y/n)ish and English are mowing down many of our soldiers." My commander said.

"Ve'll have to get more men from Germany. How long do you zink we can hold out for or Vhen ve defeat (Y/n)?" I asked.

"Anozer month or two, sir. England's backing her up and he can become quite dangerous." Another commander said.

"I'm vell aware of zis." I reply.

"Ve could always get soldiers from Italy." Stated a sergeant.

"Ve are not getting soldiers from Italy!" I shouted at the sergeant and the sergeant stopped the thought.

"How about ve-" My commander started. I blink and then my commander was knocked out on the floor as well as the other men in the room.

"Voah?" I ask myself. I feel some hands on my shoulders. Out of instinct I grab their hands and throw them onto the table.

"Argh!" The boy said when he hit the table. I heard someone load a gun and then I felt the metal against the side of my head.

"Hi, Germany!" A cheerful female voice says. "How's your little tea party going?"

"It was going great until you came and ruined it," I replied, "(Y/n)."

"Can I join?" The girl says walking around me so I can see her face. She made sure to keep the gun pointed at me.

"Hey vait! Zat's my gun!" I said.

"It's really good quality I should get myself one of these." (Y/n) said twirling it around in her hand.

"H-how do you even know how to use it?" I asked.

"A lot of practice." She said pointing to the wall beside me. There were bullet holes in it that weren't there before.

"V-vha?" I stuttered. I couldn't get my head around what just happened.

"You might be wondering what happened and I'll make sure to tell you the whole story if you come with me and Fredrick." (Y/n) said pointing to the male on the table rubbing his back.

"I von't come vis you! I'd razer die." I said standing up ready to fight before realising (Y/n) somehow has my gun.

"Fine, then die." (Y/n) said hovering her finger over the trigger and then firing. The bullet zipped past my ear and hit the wall behind me. (Y/n) then brought up her gloved hand and made a gun shape with her fingers and pointing it at me. "Bang."

I fell backwards hitting the ground.

My vision blurred and I watched as (Y/n) came over to me and began dragging me out the door and then nothingness.

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