Chapter 14: England

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As I walked off of the boat and setting foot in England once more I waved to America.

"Come back and visit!" I shouted at him.

"Not in a million years!" America shouted back poking out his tongue and eating a burger and then the boat disappeared out of sight.

I began walking back home. When I arrived I was greeted by (Y/n) standing at the door. She was wearing gloves which was a rare sight.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" I greeted.

"Howdy, England. Welcome back!" She said walking over and smiling. Her hair looked like it hadn't been washed in a while and she had a piece of dirt on her check.

"What have you been doing. You look like you haven't been looking after yourself." I said.

"I was just playing in the dirt." (Y/n) said. I nodded not convinced.

I walked inside and looked at the relatively clean house. It looked like no one had really touched anything since I left.

"So, how's the war with Germany?" I asked. (Y/n) tensed.

"It... fine" She said.

"Uh huh." I replied still not convinced. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"No... just don't go inside the basement." She said.

"What's in the basement?" I asked.

"N-nothing, that's why you don't need to go inside."

"Well I'm going into the basement."

"No, you can't I just told you!" She said trying to drag me away but I was stronger than her. I walked down to the basement and when I arrived there was nothing there. "See, nothing here."

(Y/n) closed the door behind us and the basement was filled with darkness. I heard some scratching on the floor. (Y/n) then turned the lights on. The room lit up and in front of me was Germany. He was tied down to a chair with a gag in his mouth.

"Tada!" (Y/n) skipped in front of me with her arms outstretched in an 'L' like shape. "I caught Germany!"

(Y/n) took off Germany's gag.

"She's a vitch!" Germany shouted.

"Ouch. That's not very nice." (Y/n) replied.

I stared blankly in shock.

How did (Y/n) capture Germany. She must have gone to the front lines but if that's the case...

"(Y/n)." I said.

"Mm?" (Y/n) said looking at me.

"Did you go to the front lines?" I asked.

"N-" She started.

"She's like a demon she vas on the ozer side of the trenches and then I blinked and she had taken out all of my commanders and a knife to my zroat. She's got some kind of magic on her side. I vouldn't trust her if I vas you England." Germany said.

Magic. Teleporting. She couldn't of used that time stop spell could she?

I shivered. She used that same spell in that nightmare I had.

"(Y-Y/n) what time is it?" I asked.

It's around lunchtime but if she's out of sync because she used the time stop spell then she'll probably think it's around dinner time.

"Time for food!" (Y/n) said running up the stairs and out of sight. I looked back at Germany.

"Did she go to the front lines?" I asked.

"I don't know. All I know is zat she appeared out of novhere and knocked out all of my soldiers in the blink of an eye." Germany said.

"Thanks." I said turning my back and walking up the stairs.

"Hey! Don't just leave me down here!" Germany shouted back.

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