Chapter 4: (Y/n)

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I jumped into the trenches.

"Hey, (Y/n)." One of the soldiers greeted me. It was way too informal but that was the last thing on my mind. I smiled back at him.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you." I replied.

"Same here." The soldier took his gun and aimed at a german on the other side. I heard a gunshot.

"Did you get him?" I asked. I looked back at the soldier as he fell backwards hitting the floor with a loud thump. I took a closer look at him and saw red drip down his face. When I brushed his hair out of the way I saw a large bullet shaped hole in his forehead. I immediately felt sick.

Why did I decide to do this?

"Welcome to war (Y/n)." Another soldier said as he dragged my away from the dead body. One of his friends picked up the dead body and put it somewhere so it was out of the way. "You're gonna need to know how to use the equipment if you wanna survive the front lines."

"Y-yeah." My voice cracked as sweat dripped down and off my chin.

The soldier gave me lessons on how to use a gun and grenade as people continued to drop dead around us.

"Is this how war usually goes?" I asked. The soldier looked at me confused.

"What did you think happened? Yeah, this is normal." He said semi-nonchalant.

"O-oh, I thought that maybe... I don't know ... there was less death." I replied looking at the dead bodies around us. There weren't many which was a relief. "Hey, do you know how many people in this army are (Y/n)ish? All the people I've seen seem to be English."

"Oh, I'm (Y/n)ish. My friend is too, but yeah, you're right. Lots of people are British." He said. "My name's Fredrick by the way."

"I'm (Y/n), you probably already knew that already, huh." I nervously laughed. I extended my hand and shook his.

"Yeah, but it's nice to get an actual introduction." Fredrick laughed before his face goes pale. "Look out, behind you! GRENADE!"

"Huh?" I said turning around before Fredrick jumped on me and pulled me away from where I was standing and onto the ground. There was a loud bang and then a horrible high pitched ringing sound in my ears for a few seconds after... then the scream.

I heard the scream and immediately shot up off the ground right after Fredrick got off me. I turned and saw a young boy who looked like he had gotten hit by the explosion. His right arm was completely covered in blood with a bone sticking out. I gagged before running toward him.

"A-are you ok?" I asked. The boy just looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "W-what's your name?"

"O-Oliver." He said between yelps of pain.

"Ok Oliver, you're gonna be alright. Let's just get you to the medics." I replied. He nodded.

"(Y/n) are you alright?" Fredrick said running up to me.

"Don't worry about me. We need to get Oliver some help." I replied, trying to keep my cool. Seeing people hurt was my weakness.

"Don't lean against the dirt walls with your right arm ok Oliver." Fredrick said. Oliver nodded his head. "Don't go to sleep either ok?"

"I'll t-try." Oliver replied. Fredrick and I threw Oliver's hands over our shoulders to carry him to the medics. We tripped over someone's leg and tumbled toward the floor. Oliver used his arm to brace his fall only to stumble and cover his bleeding arm in the dirt from the floor. "AAAARRRRGGGG!"

"Oliver! Are you alright?" I asked helping him up.

"This is gonna hurt." Fredrick said as he began trying to brush some of the dirt off of Oliver's wound. Oliver bit into his shirt to dampen his screams.

We continued walking Oliver to the medic and then dropped him off to the already overworking doctors.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" I asked. Fredrick looked at the ground for a few seconds before turning around to meet my gaze with a clearly fake smile on his face.

"Yeah, he'll be just fine." He said before he took his gun and began shooting at the Germans on the other side. I looked back at the infirmary.

"I'm sorry sir but we'll need to cut off your arm and then after that we'll send you back home. You won't be needed anymore without an arm." I overheard one of the doctors say as they spoke to Oliver. I sighed.

Why couldn't I just be a normal country and let my soldiers fight by themselves.

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