Chapter 18: England

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I got out of our car and took out the weapons from the boot. I had decided to come along with America, China, and Germany. We waited for a few minutes before another car started driving up. A guy jumped out and so did another and then (Y/n) stepped out with Canada behind her. Canada's hands were tied and he was being pulled forward by (Y/n). (Y/n) almost stopped walking when she met eyes with me. I glared at her and she then smiled.

"Hello guys, I'm guessing you brought the weapons." She said. "It'd be a real shame if you hadn't."

(Y/n) pulled Canada forward and then grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him in front of her and took out a knife. She held the knife up to Canada's neck. Canada yelped. I felt America shiver.

"Canada do you have any last words?" (Y/n) said, smirking.

I can't believe she was actually doing this.

"D-don't worry about m-me! Save yourselves d-don't hand over the w-weapons!" Canada shouted at us.

"Don't worry dude! We won't let anything happen to you!" America shouted back.

"Hand over the weapons or else Canada will be no more." (Y/n) said pressing the knife against Canada's neck. I saw a little bit of blood drip from the knife.

America took a whole lot of boxes filled to the brim with guns and ammunition and put them in front of (Y/n), Germany took all the grenades, China took some swords. I stood and watched. I couldn't make my feet move.

Did I do this? Was I my fault (Y/n) ended up like this?

"Thanks." (Y/n) said. "A shame this is only half of the weapons you have and you didn't bring any tanks. Are you trying to give yourselves the upper hand? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Good luck."

I wasn't sure if she realised we had a whole lot of atom bombs over at America's place left over from World War Two. I hoped we didn't have to use them but we might have if the war gets to savere.

(Y/n) took her knife off of Canada's neck and cut his bindings and pushed him toward us.

"A deals a deal I guess. Load it up guys." (Y/n) said talking to her friends.

Canada ran toward me and gave me a big hug.

"England! I missed you so much! Thank you so much! I don't know what to say! She's so scary! Thank you, thank you!" Canada started before bawling on my me. I just stroked his head.

"England we should get going." America said. "Canada dude, you alright?"

Canada let go of me and started hugging America instead.

"America! It was so scary!" Canada said crying.

"I'm sorry to say that you didn't completely fulfill the bargain." (Y/n) started." As I said before this is only half of your weapons."

"How can you prove zat?" Germany said.

"Well, first of all there are no tanks, you would Surely have some atom bombs, and this many guns is a poorling." (Y/n) replied. "I gave back Canada, so I fulfilled my part but you... tsk, tsk, tsk."

(Y/n) held up a piece of paper with a magic circle on it. I looked at it. It was a time stop spell. (Y/n) looked right at me. I started running toward her.

"(Y/n) stop! That's da-" I started. I blinked and she was gone "-ngerous!"

I quickly turned and saw her on top of our car with Italy in her arms.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Make sure to follow up our next bargain." She said.

"Italy!" Germany shouted. "How could you!"

Germany started running up toward (Y/n). He stopped when one of the guys (Y/n) brought with her jumped in front of him with a gun pointing at Germany.

"Uh, Uh, Uh." (Y/n) shook her head. "This is what you get for only giving me half your weapons. To be honest, it's more like an eighth. But you can keep your weapons and this sorry excuse of a country as well. Just remember not to screw up next time!"

(Y/n) walked to the end of our car and threw Italy. Germany didn't dare move and he just watched as Italy started falling.

"Save him and you're dead." (Y/n)'s soldier hissed as he held his gun closer to Germany's head.

Canada clung onto America and China was being held back by another one of (Y/n)'s soldiers. (Y/n) looked at me and reloaded a pistol and pointed it right at me.

We all heard a bang. I turned my head and saw Germany start stumbling toward the ground as he tried to grab Italy. Germany's leg dripped blood. Italy just landed into Germany's hands.

"I've got you now Italy, it's ok." Germany grunted. Italy was unconscious and had some blood bleeding from his shoulder.

"Well, that was quite a show wasn't it." (Y/n) said.

"You sick creature." Germany hissed looking up at (Y/n).

"Then a sick creature I'll be." (Y/n) replied before looking over at her soldiers and nodding. "We'll be leaving now. Enjoy your little gift."

(Y/n) jumped off of the car and threw one of Italy's white flags in Germany's direction except it was no longer white but stained red.

"You deserve to die." Germany hissed again.

"Then kill me." (Y/n) said standing still with her arms up wide. She threw her pistol in Germany's direction.

Germany picked it up with no hesitation and pointed it at (Y/n).

My blood went cold when I heard the gunshot. I turned and looked at (Y/n) and saw that she had disappeared. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. I noticed some blood on the ground.

She had gotten shot.

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