Chapter 6: (Y/n)

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I aimed my gun at a German soldier and positioning my finger over the trigger. My finger trembled as it was about to shoot the bullet but the images of Oliver's arm and the soldier who I first met came to my mind. I don't want other people to have to feel this way because of my actions. I sighed and put the gun down. Fredrick on the other hand was out of bullets because of his repetitive shooting.

"How can you bring yourself to kill someone when you watch people die all the time? Do you want other people to feel that same way?" I asked.

"Do you want your country to have to endure the hardships the Germans will make us go through if we lose?" Fredrick replied, shooting another bullet after he's reloaded.

I nodded and picked up my gun again and aiming at another German soldier. I took a deep breath and fired the bullet. I saw it soar through the air and hit the German straight through the forehead.

"Hey, you're a natural. It takes ages to be able to get a headshot and that was your first try!" Fredrick celebrated. I didn't reply. The fact that this came naturally disgusted me. I aimed again hitting yet another soldier in the head. "Damn! You've got skills."

It wasn't long after until I too ran out of bullets. Fredrick broke out the cracker rations and handed one to me. I took it and ate a piece off the side and my mouth filled with the flavour of blandness. I forced myself to swallowed the cracker.

"Gah, that was so bland. It felt like I was eating bark but even worse." I said coughing.

"Yeah, army rations aren't the best things in the world." Fredrick laughed.

"They could at least try and add a little bit of flavour."

"They probably used to have flavour but these crackers aren't fresh anymore so the flavour probably deteriorated."

I sighed, taking my gun and beginning to headshot more soldiers.

"Hey, how old do you think Oliver is?" I asked.

"Hmmm, between thirteen and sixteen." Fredrick said.

"Thirteen! They can't let thirteen year olds into the army!" I shouted.

"That's true but forging IDs is a thing so it's pretty easy for them to get in. Quite a lot of thirteen year olds are in the army but they pretend to be older."

"When we defeat the Germans I'm going to confront my boss and see if I can make it so that forging IDs is illegal and so less thirteen year olds can get into the army!"

"I will support you all the way!" Fredrick said before taking another shot at a German.

I looked through my eyepiece and found a German. I hovered my finger over the trigger and fired. I hit the German right between the eyes and watched him fall to the ground. A small smile appeared on my face.

I'm starting to get the hang of this.

"(Y/n), You ok?" Fredrick said poking my shoulder. I dropped my smile.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"You just looked really creepy and I was wondering if you were alright."

"Oh, sorry about that I'm just getting a bit excited about this that's all." I replied. Fredrick looked at me confused.

"A few hours ago you were worried about killing people and now you... you're killing Germans and smiling about it." Fredrick said.

"It's kind of like a rush, you know? I haven't felt like this is ages, it's kind of nice to feel it again. Sorry if I scared you." I replied.

"N-no it's ok, it's a good thing that you aren't as sad anymore. In war, the last thing you want is a soldier who's too scared to kill. Just as long as you're still caring for the soldiers on our side." Frederick said. "I need to get some more ammo be right back."

"Ok, can you get me some too please." I called after him before going back to firing. I ran out of ammunition and switched to grenades. This was my first time using a grenade and I was going to use it when Fredrick got back but he still wasn't here and so I pulled out the safety pin and threw the grenade. I heard and explosion. I poked my head up and saw that the German soldiers that were standing where I aimed weren't there anymore. Another smile crept onto my face as my legs began to shake from the excitement. I stopped myself remembering that Fredrick was worried about my facial expression and tried to get myself back to normal. I took a deep breath and slowed my heart.

This is so fun, it reminds me of the old days back when I wasn't with England.

Wait, this shouldn't be fun I'm ending people's lives.

Yeah, and isn't it fun. The rush of the danger, the ability you have to take one's life.

No, I shouldn't be thinking like this. England was right I shouldn't be on the front lines. It's dangerous and I could get shot at any second and I'm starting to enjoy taking life.

I looked around. Fredrick wasn't back yet which was worrying me. I left from my post to start looking for him. I was getting close to the ammunition retrieval site when I saw someone lying on the ground in the distance. My heart started speeding up. I ran toward them.

"Fredrick!" I shouted. A man next to the body turned around.

"(Y/n)! Thank goodness. We need to get this guy to the doctors." Fredrick said holding the wounded soldier. My heart slowed down. I was glad the soldier is Fredricks hands wasn't Fredrick. I looked at the wounded soldier before helping Fredrick pick him up.

"Did you get the ammo?" I asked.

"No, I had to help this guy first." Fredrick said. I was slightly disappointed that Fredrick couldn't get the ammo.

(Y/n)! What is wrong with you. Get your act together. Wounded soldiers come before ammunition.

I started shaking slightly realizing that my bloodlust was getting the better of me...

... again.

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