Chapter 20: Germany

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I looked down at Italy as we were driving away. Canada was sleeping on America's shoulder and looked exhausted but happy to be back, England was driving while China sat in the passenger seat, and Italy was lying on my lap. I had bandaged up my leg and Italy's shoulder.

"She'll pay for vhat she's done." I said. America and England stayed silent. I wouldn't blame them, they were the ones closest to her. Canada twitched and clenched America's shirt.

"G-Germany? Is that-a you?" I heard an Italian whisper. I looked down and saw Italy's eyes looking back at me. His voice was quivering. "W-where are we?"

"Ve're driving back home." I replied.

"B-but I was just-a there." Italy said. "I was-a making pasta."

Italy tensed and clutched his shoulder. I sighed.

"(Y/n) kidnapped you and shot your shoulder. Ve need to go find you a doctor." I said.

Italy nodded and closed his eyes again, trying to go back to sleep.

Canada had woken up and was crying on America's shoulder. He probably had a nightmare. He hadn't told us anything (Y/n) had done to him but from his reactions it was obvious he didn't want to go back.

America hadn't eaten any hamburgers in a while or any junk food for that matter. He tried to comfort his brother but it didn't seem to be working.

England dropped Italy and I at the hospital and we thanked him before going inside. The doctors took out the bullets in our wounds and told us to wait a few days for them to heal. When they had healed we went back home. Italy went back to making his six day old pasta and I cleaned up the blood stain that was on the floor. I counted how many soldiers I had and began preparing for another battle with (Y/n).

When we were ready for battle I set off. When I arrived I made sure to attack with the tanks first since there would be no way she would be able to defeat them without tanks of her own.

I sat in my chair planning out what to do next.

"Commander! Ze tanks! Zey're being obliterated." One of my soldiers said running into my room. I went outside to have a look for myself.

(Y/n) stood in the distance. I took some of my binoculars to get a better view. (Y/n) had a book in her hand and was waving her other hand around. She was saying something and then I heard an explosion. One of our tanks had exploded. The more she moved her hand the more our tanks exploded themselves.

"V-vat's happening!" I said.

"I... I don't know sir." The soldier replied. "I zink she's using magic."

A few moments later and all our tanks were scattered around the battlefield, burnt and useless.

"S-send in ze infantry!" I shouted.

Our infantry clashed with (Y/n)'s. We fought and we started winning since we had more weapons than her. I used my binoculars to make sure (Y/n) wasn't using anymore magic. I found in the middle fighting with one of my soldiers. She was using a knife and was fast even with the stomach wound. She was like a ninja. She took out her book and put a piece of paper on the soldier and said some words and blew up the soldier. She jumped into the air and made eye-contact with me. She used her book and threw it at me before disappearing. Her book landed beside me. She started coming out of her book. She then stepped forward.

"A leader leads their army, not cowering at the back of it." She said. She held her up at me. "Bang."

I almost laughed but then the whole ground shook and my army was knocked backwards.

"Leave, you don't belong here," she paused, "coward."

I felt my legs falter under my weight.

"You've been beaten." She hissed.

I heard a bang and I turned seeing another person behind me. Someone had pointed their gun at the sky and fired. I looked at the person and realised they were the person who shot my leg when I tried to save Italy.

"This is John, my second hand man. That bullet in the sky will fall and hit you right in the head so, are you going to come with us or are you going to run?" (Y/n) asked behind me. "Just so you know, running means you're a real coward."

I looked back at (Y/n) and grabbed her shoulders and pushed her into my position. Now when the bullet falls down she'll be hit.

"The wasn't an option." (Y/n) said. "And also, that gun wasn't loaded."

I felt my legs buckle as someone else came from behind he and kicked my legs making me fall backward into their arms.

"Night, night." The person said as they got a syringe and stuck it into my neck. I tried to wriggle out of their grip but the liquid had overpowered my body and I was going unconscious. Just as the darkness took me I saw (Y/n) lose her balance and fall into the other person's arms.

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