Chapter 22: England

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"America! Please don't do this!" I shouted. "There has to be another way!"

"I don't want to do this either dude but everyone decided. It's too late to change our minds." America said, his hand shook as he hovered over the detonate button.

Canada sat in the back with his polar bear. Even after all this time he still couldn't bring himself to tell us what happened at (Y/n)'s house. Whenever he tried he'd just break into tears.

America took a deep breath and pressed the button. We watched as the nuke shot into the sky and traveled over to (Y/n). I hoped it didn't kill her. This was only to weaken her that was it.

"What have I done." America whispered under his breath.

We walked back to the world conference.

"England." China said.

"Yes." I replied.

"We've decided you're going to do the final blow. You're going to end this war." China said. "We considered America but we divided you should do it since you know more of her weaknesses."

"Yes, of course. That's very logical." I replied, trying not to make my voice quiver.

"You'll start tomorrow." China said. "Meeting adjourned."

I walked out and started preparing my army. I felt a tear fall down my cheek but I rubbed it off.

When my army was ready we set out to (Y/n) but we were stopped at the borders. (Y/n)'s army was waiting for us.

We easily overpowered (Y/n)'s army and I was waiting for (Y/n) to use some magic to turn the tide she hadn't. We made it into her commandeering room and I decided to go inside myself. I barged inside and saw (Y/n) sitting at her desk. Her burnt hand on the table.

"Hey." She said. She didn't look up at me.

"(Y/n), I'm here to end this war. Your army is gone we killed them all." I said.

"England, I messed up." She said. "I really suck."

Her knife was on the table and she had a magical circle on her desk.

"Do you know what this spell does?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's a time reverse spell. Are you going to use it?" I asked.

"No, you're going to use it." She replied. "You're going to go back in time and you aren't going to rescue me from the alleyway."

"W-what!" I replied. I would never do that.

"You have to. I screwed up and made a massive mistake that can't be forgiven. I thought if I became stronger you wouldn't have to protect me. Instead I went and kidnapped Canada and Italy. I really suck." (Y/n) said. "I wish I never did this. Please go back. Please don't save me. Please leave me there. It's the best thing. That way you can take me over and then you can forget about me and this will never happen because I won't exist."

She had tears falling down her face. I couldn't do that. I would never leave her there alone in the cold damp alleyway.

"If you don't I'll force you too." She said. "Please England!"

I looked back at her and her hand was on mine she was lifting it up and placing it on the circle.

"But before you do I want to ask you something. Do you love me?" She asked. I felt tears welling in my eyes now too. I nodded.

"Yes, (Y/n). I love you so much. I wish you never did this. I wish you stayed at my house. I wish you never knew what war was." I said. My tears were falling down my cheeks. (Y/n) smiled.

"I love you too, England." She said. "Goodbye. If I don't trust you, you know what to do."

She scribbled another magic circle beside the other one. I recognized it, it was a memory restore spell. I nodded and put my hand on the time spell and said the magic words. (Y/n) smiled one last smile before she vanished.

I opened my eyes and I was walking in the rain down an alleyway. I saw a little girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair. It was messy and covered in dirt. She held a knife in her pale, skinny hands. I felt my heart ache knowing that I couldn't take her in and that I had to overpower her and take over her country. The girl looked up at me. She got into a battle stance with her knife held in her hand ready to stab me if I got too close

"What are you doing here? Are you here to steal my things?" She asked tightening her grip on the knife".

"I'm just p-passing by. N-nothing else." I said. I felt my tears falling down my face. Good thing it was raining.

"Then get lost." She said. I walked off and sat next to the alleyway and started crying more. I bought a knife from a cooking shop and walked back into the alleyway.

"You're back, Huh?" She said. She saw the knife in my hand. "You aren't going to attack me are you? I have nothing to steal."

"(Y/n), I'm England. I'm the country next to you. You won't understand why I'm saying this but, I love you and so... I have to do this. Your future self told me so."

"What? How do you know my name?! Tch, you're just trying to make up some excuse to attack me." She said. "The name thing must've been a fluke."

I walked closer toward her. My knife almost slipped out of hand by how loosely and shakely held it.

"S-Stay back!" (Y/) shouted as I cornered her into the wall.

I took my knife and brought it close to her neck. She quivered.

"I love you (Y/n). That's why I'm doing this." I said. I made a magic circle on the wall and shared my memories with her.

(Y/n) started crying.

"England. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She said. "Please do it, this country's all yours."

I came closer to her and pressed my knife into her neck. She gulped. I pressed my lips into hers and we kissed. She smiled and I slit her throat. She fell limp before glowing and disappearing. I felt more tears in my eyes. I cried until it stopped raining. Onced I'd cleaned myself up I walked back home and threw away the knife never wanting to touch it again.

As time passed and World War Two ended. It came to the time when (Y/n) had originally started her war. I took a trip over to where (Y/n)'s country used to be and walked down the streets. The area was having a festival about how I, England, stopped the growing poverty in (Y/n) and claimed it for myself. To the people living here, it was a good thing that I killed (Y/n) but to me it just brought back bad memories. I walked in the crowd and tried to take in the beautiful festival.

I saw a glimpse of (h/c) in the crowd and I started to follow it. It led me to a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair. She looked in my direction and I saw her (e/c) eyes. She walked up to me with a guy that closely resembled Garry walked behind her.

"Um, I'm sorry to bother you but have we met before?" She asked. Her voice sounded so much like (Y/n)'s it almost made me start crying.

"I don't think we have." I replied almost choking on my own words.

"I was so certain. Nevermind, my name's (Y/n) by the way and this is my bestfriend, Garry, who might you be?" She asked. My eyes started watering and I felt the tears fall down my cheeks. "Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"No, it's fine. My name's Arthur. It's lovely to meet you." I said, wiping my tears.

"It's lovely to meet you Arthur. Are you enjoying the festival?" ( Y/n) asked.

"Actually, it's my first time coming here could you show me around?" I asked.

"Oh, I'd love too. Is that ok Garry?" She said asking her bestfriend. He nodded and formed his hand into a gun.

"Bang." He said. She did the same.

"What's that all about?" I asked.

"It's just a little thing we like doing. It's pretty stupid isn't it." She said.

"No, it's unique." I replied. She laughed.

"Here, let me show you my favourite part about the festival." She said leading me away.

The end?

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