It Happened so Fast... With No Warning

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Sonya's POV~

There I sat, in my human form, looking up to the night sky overhead. It all started a month ago when Ursurna insisted she stay in Trollmarket. I pulled my knees to my chest, replaying the events of the past month or so over and over again. Ursurna, it turned out, worked for Gunmar--she was the spy in Trollmarket, as well as a changeling that was selling Gaggletacks. Ursurna killed Vendel in cold blood and turned the populace on Jim, sending him--and me! Into the pit.

According to Jim, he faced an evil version of himself. I faced the Shashy again. I thought I had rid myself of that beast months ago. I ran my fingers through my brown hair and looked over my shoulder, I saw Blinky standing before the Trolls, holding Vendel's curved shepherds-like staff.

Yes, with Vendel gone, Blinky had become the new Elder of Trolls. Problem is, they don't have a home, Ursurna paved the way for Gunmar to invade Trollmarket, poison and corrupt the Heart Stone, and turn over half of Trollmarket's population into a Gumm-Gumm army. Thanks to Claire's power over the Shadowstaff we were able to escape, and--surprisingly--we had the help of Steve Palchuk, and Eli Peperjack.

You should've seen Steve's face when I showed him my Loboan form. I don't think I've ever seen a human so scared.

But, that's not important at the moment. With all these events that went down, there was one that yanked on my heartstrings the hardest, it's was forced me to cry myself to sleep every single night:

Gunmar had Draal.

While patrolling the woods, Draal and I came upon a car all hung up in the trees, and soon after we were attacked by the Gumm-Gumm king himself. Draal and I battled violently, but in the end Gunmar knocked me out, and when I came to Draal was gone, all I found was his prosthetic arm.

Only later did I find out that Draal attacked Jim, Claire and Toby at Arcadia Oaks High, under the control of Gunmar's Blade: Decimaar. I reached up and touched the scar on my forehead, remembering the pain I went through as Gunmar tried to control me.

Draal, along with Ursurna and Blinky's Gumm-Gumm brother, Dictatious led the attack on Trollmarket.

I buried my face into my balled up knees, remembering the look Draal gave me, one of hate and rage. Pure evil I felt tears course down my cheeks thinking that he was suffering . . . wherever he was.

I then lifted my head and looked to the full moon overhead, before standing up on my bare feet and dusting my pants off. I was wearing a green tank top, and faded gray jeans. I turned to Blinky as he walked over,

"Jim and the others?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Master Jim has returned to his home, as have Claire and Tobias." he sighed, his grip tightening on the staff.

I put a hand on Blinky's shoulder, "Tell the others to get some rest, I'll take the first watch."

Blinky looked at me worriedly, "Will you be alright, Ms. Wolf?" he asked.

I assumed my Loboan form, towering over him, "Once we get Draal back and kill Gunmar, yes, Blinky, I will be alright."

Trollhunters: "Two Warriors, One Love Lost" (DraalXOC)Where stories live. Discover now