The End of One Journey, and The Start of Another

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Sonya's POV~

One Day Later:

At long last, the madness was over. I could finally exhale and let my body settle down. Let my tense muscles relax.

Peace would finally reign across Arcadia and quite possibly the entire magical world. Though, with the victory of this battle, came a high cost: Jim could no longer live as a human now, he could only live like a troll. Claire's Shadow Staff had armor, and the Heartstone has died.

Merlin--Who had since got his powers back-- had told us there was another Heartstone underneath New Jersey, but that was across the continent. The trolls and Jim would have to leave Arcadia behind. And then, of course, there was me.

I was coming of age to take my place as a leader of the Black Mountain Loboan Clan. I feared that my journeys would be over, and I would have to return with my father to the Mountains, to--once again--stay in the bowels of the rock and earth until the world needed us once again. Currently, I stood with the others, on the very edge of Arcadia, leading into the woods. Before me stood Barbara, Stricklander, NotEnrique, and Chompsky--who both had the crystal containing all the Changling familiars, Toby, Mr. and Mrs. Nuñez, and my Father along with some other Loboans.

The sun was just about to set before us, casting brilliant light and shadow over the trees and buildings. It was fitting. Almost made me nostalgic, in a sense.

Claire had just joined up with us, with her armour and backpack. I was glad she was going with Jim. He needed her.

Merlin walked up to us, "Well,  it appears the battle has been won."

"But at what cost?" My father rumbled back, "A boy who can no longer be a boy, the loss of countless allies . . ." He shook his head sadly.

Jim turned to us, "We have to leave." he turned to the trolls that had survived the battle, "They need a new home."

My ears were pinned back to my skull, watching as Jim walked up to his mother, and the two exchanged a loving embrace. I didn't listen in on what they said; it was not my place. I then looked up upon seeing Toby run up to us, dressed in his armor. 

"Ready to go, Jimbo!" he said with a huff, "I'm so stoked for this!"

Jim looked down sadly, "Toby . . . You can't come with us." he said.

"Wha? Why?" He asked, his face falling to one of sadness.

I stepped in, seeing Jim's face was becoming a troubled one, "Jim's wounded badly, as am I, and Draal. Claire's staff is broken and . . . the Trolls have no home." I lowered my massive body down to his level, "You are the only one who can stay here, and protect Arcadia."

"I'll stay."

I looked up seeing Arrrgh lumbering forward, taking his spot beside Toby.

"Right," Jim added, "you two are Arcadia's Trollhunters now."

Toby teared up as he wiped his eyes. Jim leaned down and hugged him tightly, "We sure found that adventure, didn't we?" he said softly.

"I'm so glad we decided to take the canals that day," Toby replied as he cried softly. Claire joined in the hug as I stood back and let them have their moment.

Draal came up beside me and held my had, "And . . . Where does this leave us?" he asked.

I looked down at him before lifting my gaze to my father, "Autabuto?" I prompted, "Do I . . . return to the Black Mountains?"

My father looked at me, then to Draal, then to the others before he sighed and spoke, "I sent you to this small city to protect the Trollhuter,  and help in his quest to obliterate Gunmar." His mouth creased into a frown, "Afterwards, I planned on you coming home, and taking your place as chief but . . ." he walked up to me, resting his massive hand on my shoulder, "The Life of a Cheif is not one you were born for."

My eyes widened considerably, "B-but I'm the firstborn I-"

"Rhigo fills the role far better. He would do well as Cheif." He smiled, "As for you, I believe you have found your place in the world: Here. With him." he pointed to Draal who stood awkwardly.

I stared at my father, mouth hanging open. He cupped my snout in his hands and spoke, "Go. Be free." He had tears pricking his one eye, "Be the protector you were meant to be, Sonyalanda."

I choked back a sob before I dove into his arms and hugged him tightly. My father engulfed me in his arms and rocked me back and forth as his tail swished gently. I felt his nose nuzzle into my head, "Your mother would be very proud of you."

"Thank you, Abtaubto," I said shakily as I pulled back and kissed his forehead.

Hougan chuckled, before he looked to Draal, "As for you," he smiled,  "take care of my daughter."

Draal walked up to us and wrapped his arm around my waist, "I will. I swear."

Blinky then cleared his throat, "Alright, everyone. It is time." he held up his curved staff, covered in tree lights, and tipped with a sock, "To our new home."

He turned, taking Jim by the hand and turned away, with Claire, Nomura, Angor Rot and all the other Trolls. I then looked to Draal, and our gazes met, a beautiful future reflected in them. I then felt a tug on my other hand, and I turned to see Barbara looking up at me with teary eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I lowered myself to her level.

Barbara cupped my snout in her hands and spoke, "Take care of my boy, Sonya." She begged softly, "Please."

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly,  "I will. I swear. I won't let the little pup out of my sight."

We parted, and she stroked my nose and gave me a loving smile. I pushed myself up to my full height and turned. Draal came up beside me and took my hand as we began walking into the woods, disappearing into the shadows once again.

Though this war is over--Gunmar is gone, and Morgana's threat has ended--it does not mean our journey is. True, this part of our journey may be at it's end, but now? Well, now I have an entire future ahead of me.

I came to Arcadia on a mission. I came to this place to serve my purpose, then return to my father's side. But, Fate is truly a crafty bitch. Because of her, I fell in love. I fell in love with this big Blue Troll. Because of it, I can't wait to start the rest of my days with him.

So, true, it is sad to leave Arcadia behind. But, the silver lining of it is . . . I get to be me. I get to be free, and I get to be myself and be free with the being that I love with all my heart.

I'm . . . well, I'm truly happy. And I can't wait to go to our new home and continue our journey.

Destiny is a gift. 

Never forget that fear is the precursor to valor.

That to strive end triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero.

Don't think.


--In memory of Anton. Thank you for being our Trollhunter


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