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Note: I am so so so sorry for no updating!! Forgive me!!

Sonya's POV!

Night had fallen and everyone had dispersed around Arcadia in search of Jim. Draal and I stayed in Barbara's home incase Jim had wandered back, or the Gumm-Gumm's tried an assault.

I was in my human form, sitting at the counter with my head in my arms. Worry laced every inch of my soul as I heaved a weary sigh. I then felt a familiar, large hand rest to my back. I looked over my shoulder seeing Draal gaze at me with concern.

"You should rest."

"Not until Jimbo is found. Or I kill Merlin. Whichever opportunity comes first." I replied.

The wise crack managed to get a small smile on Draal's lips as he pushed some hair from my eyes, revealing the scar on my forehead, the one I got from Gunmar. He nuzzled into my shoulder,

"We will find him, love." he rumbles.

I looked up, and saw Barbara working in the kitchen, trying to busy herself. Poor woman . . . I ran my shaking hand through my brown hair before a scent struck my nose and I looked up right.

"What is it?" Draal asked.

"Troll." I said.

Just then, the front door opened, Draal and I ran out and saw a somewhat large figure . . . but I recognized the armor. It was the black and red eclipse armor.

"Jimbo?!" I called.

"Trollhunter, where have you been!?" Draal demanded, "We have been-" he was cut off as Barbara shoved her way between us.

"Jim? Are you alright?!"

The figure collapsed with a guttural groan. Barbara ran forward but I grabbed her arm,

"What are you-?"

"Something's wrong . . ." I said darkly, "He smells like . . . like a troll but . . . not a troll." I assumed my Loboan form and paced forward into the darkness, keeping my trained eye on the black heap that lay on the wood floor.

I reached out and rolled Jim onto his back before I gave a horrified gasp, "By the Moon God . . . what have you done?!"

Draal shoved me aside and looked for himself, his fire-like eyes going wide, "H-How is this even possible?!" He demanded.

Jim . . . was not Jim. . . he was a troll. Blue skin, tusks coming from his lower jaw . . . horns at the top of his head. He'd grown in size too . . . almost six feet.  Barbara gasped shakily as she caressed her son's face, "Oh, Jim . . ."

"Get the others . . . now." I growl as I picked Jim up and lay him on the couch.

Barbara put on several lights, "Where are Blinky and Arrrgh?" she asked as she began calling Claire.

"Out to recruit other trolls for the coming storm." Draal answered, "They should return soon enough."

I stared down at Jim's still frame and felt my heart break, "Jimbo . . . " I lowered my muzzle, feeling tears spilling down my soft fur.

Not two moments later, I felt Draal's arms engulf me and hold me, "Please, dry your eyes. We need to be here for Jim when he wakes . . ." he pressed a gentle kiss to my ear.

"R-right." I sniffled and dried my eyes.

It wasn't long before the others barged in, Claire, Toby, Stricklander and . . . Merlin. The second the cocky geezer walked into the door I launched at him.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Merlin yelped and hightailed it to the kitchen.

"Sonya no!" Claire cried.

Trollhunters: "Two Warriors, One Love Lost" (DraalXOC)Where stories live. Discover now