The Eternal Knight: Part One

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Sonya's POV~

I sat in Jim's home--in my human form-- watching out the window as I sharpened one of my knives, my eyes scanning the horizon. My body trembled with either anticipation or fear . . . I couldn't tell. Either way, I knew this much . . . it was all ending. The war that had been ongoing since the first trolls crawled beneath the surface of the earth, and the first Loboans stepped forth from the shadows. The evil that was Gunmar, which had been an overcasting shadow, would either claim the world for his own, or it would end.

And, maybe . . . just maybe, I would sleep better knowing he was gone.

I tucked some of my brown hair behind my ear, as I swallowed thickly. My eyes were fixated on my hands, which were soon covered by a familiar blue hand, and a mechanical one. I looked up, seeing Draal standing over me, his gaze soft.

"Hey." I greeted, my voice soft as could be.

Draal stood before me, his grip tightening on my hands, his big thumb rubbing over my skin, "Well you be alright?" he asked gently.

I nodded wordlessly, taking my hand and laying it on his, I felt the stone beneath my skin. It was soft, yet rough, and I always adored the baby blue coloration. I smiled a bit to myself as I bit the snide of my cheek.

Draal gave a low chuckle, "You are awfully quiet, that is not like you." he reached up and put his palm beneath my face, lifting my gaze to him.

I leaned in and rested my jaw in his palm, "I'm worried, Blue. Our entire future could be taken from us in one day and that . . . terrifies me."

Draal's brows rose, before he pulled me into his huge chest and hugged me, "I will not let that happen."

I smiled to myself, before I herd a rumble. I perked up before yelping as the entire house and earth shook. I stumbled back and leaned on the kitchen counter for support as Draal fell on his butt with a grunt.

"Was that an earthquake?" I asked.

Draal grunted as he stood up again, "It most likely came from Trollmarket. Come," he motioned for me to follow, "Blinkous is making battle plans."

I followed Draal into the room where Blinky had made a basic model of Arcadia, on the coffee table in the living room,  the blinds were pulled, due to the fact that it was morning, and everyone was there: Stricklander, Numora, Blinky, Toby, Jim Claire . .  . Everyone, minus Jim. Blinky had used an assortment of books, chess pieces and an old, empty milk carton.

"I've taken the liberty of constructing a rudimentary model of Arcadia." he said, motion to the display, "If we focus our defenses here," he motioned to the stack of books, "Then, when the Gumm-Gumms attack-"

A sigh, and a mumble made me look over to Merlin who gave Blinky a disapproving glare.

"Do you have something to say?" Blinky asked incredulously.

"This is a waste of time." Merlin spat, before he swept all the items off the coffee table.

"You broke the museum. You Philistine!" Blinky cried as he picked up the milk carton, which I assumed, acted as the museum. 

"Our focus is not Arcadia. It is Trollmarket." Merlin said, "If we destroy Morgana, we stop the eternal night."

"News flash." I spat back, "Trollmarket is gone. There is no way in." I leaned on the coffee table, "Our best efforts is to hold off the Gumm-Gumms at the source. Under the Bridge, that way we can maximize the contain-"

"No one asked you for your opinion, you savage beast." Merlin snarled.

"Say that again, boy, I dare you!" I yelled back, slamming my fists on the table, "Because I would relish a reason to tear your head from your shoulders!"

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