Shelter for the Stone Skins

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Third Person's POV~

Sonya was in her Loboan form as he patrolled around the cluster of Trolls. Her padded feet were utterly soundless as she stripped fluidly through the woods, her ears on the constant rotation. Her tail twitched a bit, as she froze mid-stride, an owl hooted in the trees and she growled lowly.

A month ago, Sonya had faced death head on, and was revived by the first Loboan chief, Jerome. Ever since that night, Sonya had changed, she had broadened up a bit and she looked stronger than before. Sonya, in her Loboan form, was a mahogany color, with there emeralds in her forehead, two on her tricep, and a long sheet of emerald on her forearms and each shin. Her tail was thick and bushy, and her limbs were long and muscular.

Sonya moved on two legs, like a human, but she could also run about on all fours. Sonya turned her head to the cluster of Trolls, some of them trying to sleep, others panicked and confused. Sonya's eyes narrowed before she huffed and jumped up to the trees, her large claws digging into the bark.

"Ms. Wolf, what are you doing?" Blinky asked as he walked up to her, looking up at her as Sonya began climbing into the tree.

Sonya grunted, "Until we find a more suitable shelter for you guys, I'll make you one." Sonya broke off a huge branch and let it crash to the forest floor.

This continued as Sonya broke of huge limbs of trees, creating a large pile of lumber. The light of the moon shone down as the trolls watched the creature move through the trees with grace and ease. Sonya then landed on the floor with a thud and walked over to a young sapling, and with one arm alone she bent the young tree over. This repeated three times over as Sonya pulled the saplings over and grunted as she looked around,

"Anyone have a rope? Or something I can tie these young trees with?" she asked, her ears pinned back.

Bagdwella approached the tall female Loboan and presented a strip of leather, "Will this do?" she asked.

Without a word, Sonya snatched it up and used the leather to tie the saplings together, creating a base for the shelter. It was big to, around fifteen feet tall, and fifteen feet wide. Sonya then began moving the lumber she had collected over to the shelter.

Blinky watched in amazement as Sonya one the branches and leaves together to form a dome shelter. After a few minutes, she was done, leaving a small gap for them to enter and exit as they pleased.

The trolls crept in uneasily, before several of them settled in the shelter happily. Sonya watched them, before her ears drooped and her lowered her gaze. She hugged her shoulders, it was at moments like this, Sonya would expect a hug from Draal, or a comforting nudge.

But all she got was the cold night wind against her fur. Sonya tucked her tail between her legs as she sat down on a rock and reached up, touching the scar on her forehead, a scar given to her by Gunmar. Sonya lowered her head and pinned her ears to her skull.

In the cold grass, a mouse scurried by, making it's way to his den, where he was greeted by his mate. Sonya watched the two mice squeak and nuzzle up to one another before vanishing undergound. It tugged on Sonya's heart, she bared her teeth as tears coursed down her snout.

She then felt hot breathing against her back and she turned in her seat, seeing Arrrgh towering over her, "Miss Draal?" he asked.

Sonya sighed shakily, sniffling, "You have no idea, big guy." She admitted in a soft voice.

Arrrgh reached forward and pulled Sonya close in a bear hug, "It will be ok." He patted Sonya's head.

Sonya sealed her green eyes shut, "He's . . . in pain, Arrrgh, I know it." she sniffled as she buried her muzzle in his mane, "We have to get him back . . ."

Arrrgh pulled away and put both hands on her shoulders, "We will get him back. Promise."

Sonya sniffled, "Thanks, Arrrgh." she then stood up, "I better get back to my watch. You get some sleep." she told him.

Arrrgh nodded and walked off to Blinky, and Sonya resumed her rounds, keeping the trolls safe as they slept. Blinky watched her before speaking,

"She is putting on quite the brave face, isn't she, my friend?" he asked as he leaned against Vendel's staff.

Arrrgh nodded, "Misses Draal. Feels empty." he rumbled as he sat down.

"Agreed," the six-eyed Troll replied, "We may have lost our home, but I believe Sonya has lost something far more painful. The one she loves." he sighed, shaking his head, "All we can do is be here if and when she needs us."

Sonya stood on a rock, looking up to the stars, she then sighed and hugged herself again. Memories flashing across her mind, she sniffled and pinned her ears, "God, please be ok, Horn Head . . . wherever you are."

Trollhunters: "Two Warriors, One Love Lost" (DraalXOC)Where stories live. Discover now