A House Divided

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Sonya's POV~

"Five minutes! Just gimme five goddamn minutes with 'em and I'll set him straight!" I made yet another lunge at Merlin only to have Draal hold me back.

"Sonya, calm down!" Draal persisted, putting me in a full nelson and lifting me off the ground.

"I'll make him regret ever coming outta that coma!" I shouted, flailing my legs in the air.

Everyone was enraged about Merlin's words, but while Jim stared off into space with this blank look, Blinky tried to have a more reasonable approach.

"Let me get this straight." his brows knit together, "You want Gunmar to release Morgana?"

"Merlin, I thought you were here to save the world, no destroy it!" Toby then added, horrified. He had already dawned his armor, too excited to wait.

"I'm not destroying the world, I'm risking it!" Merlin retorted.

I pulled out of Draal's grip and glared daggers into the wizard, "All he wants is his power back!" I popped my knuckles, "I knew something smelt funny about him! Let me have him and I'll make him suffer--GAHH! PUT ME DOWN HONR HEAD!" I shouted as Draal picked me up and tucked me under his arm.

"No. Just calm down!" He spat, looking rather annoyed.

"The world harbors great dangers, not just the ones in your little town." the warlock continued.

"What danger is greater than the Gumm-Gumm King and Morgana?!" I yelled, flailing my arms as Draal just stared, rather annoyed with my violent outbursts.

"You could not hope to understand." Merlin retorted.

Claire then turned to Jim, "Uh, Jim? Jim?" She called his name.

Jim flinched, coming out of his trance, staring at the vespa poster across the room, "Huh?" he asked, bewildered.

"Wanna weigh in here before Sonya decapitates Merle?" Toby asked, gesturing to me as I tried to pull free of Draal's grip, "He just dropped the bomb that we have to let Morgana loose."

Jim blinked, "Wait . . . he destroyed my Vespa!"

"He what?!" Blinky yelled, "See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!"

"Gunmar has the Staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her." Merlin objected, "This is when we strike." His expression hardened, "Together, we'll slay Morgana before the Eternal Night starts."

"Or--Just a thought--," I sighed as Draal put me down, "we could prevent Gunmar from doing so! Seriously! We don't need to warmongers loose in Arcadia, one over-sized Gumm-Gumm with a power obsession is enough!" I barked.

"I agree." Draal huffed, "Why risk doubling the threat when we can take Gunmar down, and leave Morgana sealed away?"

"I'm sorry, I'm singing on with the violent duo." Toby added, "You want Jim to go up against Gunmar and Angor Rot and  Morgana?"

"Now is the time to strike." Merlin persisted, "She's been imprisoned for centuries, and she will be as her weakest. This will be our best chance."

"Wait," Claire said, "if Jim defeats Morgana, you get your magic back."

"This isn't about destroying her!" I yelled, making everyone jump, "All you want is your magic!" I pointed accusingly at him, "This all just boils down to revenge for you!"

Merlin shrugged, "A pleasant bonus, yes."

Blinky went wide eyes, "Oh, your magic?" he then gave me a look, "Mrs. Wolf, if you please, rip that scoundrel apart and feed him to the vultures!" He commanded.

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