...So I'm Dating a Sorceress

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Sonya's POV~

I awoke with the dawn, from my spot curled up beneath an old truck, in a cluster of blankets and towels. I stretched out before crawling out from beneath the truck. I stood up and yawned, before popping my back rather loudly.

"Ah, ow . . ." I then hacked up a loogie and spat off to the side before rotating my shoulder in it's socket, hearing it pop several times. The night before was a stressful one to say the least, I saw Jim the night before and his voice did change from the Grave Sand. For the worse, might I add . . . it didn't have that squeaky little charm to it, it had changed, become more mature almost.

I didn't like it, I wasn't a fan.

Apparently, somehow the teachers at the school had gotten it in their system too and they went, according to Toby, "Crazy-town-banana-pants". Arrrgh was still spying on Gunmar in trollmarket below our very feet and as far as we know, Gunmar hasn't found out a way to bring Eternal Night.

But, right now, Claire was on my mind. All of a sudden, out of the blue, she was better. No more coughing, no more vomiting. It was really unsettling. I wasn't one to get sick, Loboans had a better immune system than humans did but still . . . it seemed unnatural.

I walked down the alley to find Blinky hiding in the shade, away from the sun, I brushed some hair back before I pulled it up in a pony tail,

"Morning, Blinky." I greeted.

Blinky looked over, "Ms. Wolf, how did you sleep?" he asked.

I winced before popping my neck, "I'm a little stiff, you can thank mind-controlled Draal for that one." I said, before huffing.

Blinky's brows furrowed, "Hmm, it seems as though Master Jim wasn't the only one having difficulty in the storm."

I nodded, before looking up to the rising sun, "But I'm worried about Claire, Blinky." I turned back to him, "That cold? The vomiting and dizziness? Vanishing overnight?" I shook my head, "I don't like it. "

"Perhaps you should consult NotEnrique." Blinky said, "He is with Claire all the time."

I rubbed my chin, "Her parents should be gone and the house will be empty." I mumbled, knowing Claire would be at school, I then nodded, confirming it, "Ok, I will, see ya, Blinky!"

"Have a wonderful day Ms. Wolf! And please," he added, "call if anything goes awry!"
I gave a final wave before walking out of the alley, I bit my lip as I shoved my hands in mu pockets before I began walking down the street. By the time I arrived at Claire's house, she was gone, and so were her parents.

I arched a brow as my eyes drifted up to the window, I then walked casually around the back and looked up to the back window,

"NotEnrique!" I shouted his name.

I heard faint scuffling, before the window pulled open and the little mongrel of a troll poked his head out, "Oy! Whaddaya want, Loboan?" he asked, arching a brow.

"It's Claire." I stated simply.

His brows rose before he gestured with his little hand, "Get up here, then!" he exclaimed.

I took a few steps back and planned my route before I ran at the house, I planted my foot against the wall and vaulted myself up, I then grabbed the windowsill with one hand and pulled myself inside. I cleared my throat, taking in the familiar scene of Claire's room.

"I'm glad I ain't the only one worried about Sis." NotEnrique said as he clambered onto her desk.

I arched a brow, "How you mean?" I rested my palms against the desk as NotEnrique opened the laptop and began typing a bit.

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