The Exorcism of Claire Nuñez

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Sonya's POV~

We were quick to drag Claire/Morgana up to her room and I called Toby along with Blinky to inform them of the situation. Toby arrived, bringing a chain with him.

I have no idea where he got the chain though.

I was sure to tie Claire good and tight before, she woke up and began screaming at me. I pinned my ears before yelping as she cocked her head to the side, and a bunch of books came flying at me. The books hit my Loboan shoulder and fell to the floor harmlessly, but Claire continued to struggle nonetheless.

"There has to be something we can do!" Jim said, still in his armor, though he was holding a bat instead of his blade. 

"Sonya? Some Loboan Magic would be totally awesome right now!" Toby added, who was in his own . . . version of armor that consisted off a pot helmet and two fire extinguishers to his back. And a bat too.

I arched a brow, "My magic can only heal, and cause inert objects to come to life." I retorted before turning to Claire, it had been a while since I used any of my magic, only cause I liked to punch my way out of a problem then use magic.

My brows furrowed, "I can try to bring the chain to life," I winced as Claire began glowing again, "it may make it stronger." I added.

"Anything!" Toby begged desperately.

I nodded and grabbed Claire by the head and pinned her up against the wall before speaking, "Niki Taki Witi Miki!" I spat in Loboan tongue.

The chain began glowing a soft green color before it warbled and tightened around Claire. I sat her back down in the chair as she screamed and struggled against the chains, but they held firm.

"Awesome!" Toby exclaimed, "What else can you being to life?"

I turned to him, "Anything, so long as it hasn't been alive. Statues, pots and pans and-"

I was cut off as Claire began yelling, and a golden aura covered her, and the chains loosened spinning around her. She then began levitating off the ground,

"Then again . . ." I backed up a bit.

"Realease these shackles," she spat as she floated higher, "or I'll wear your spine as my grown, peasants!" she turned to me, "And turn your hide into a coat!"

"I thought you said your magic brought stuff to life!" Jim retorted.

"Morgana is a sorceress!" I barked back, "Kinda overpowers Loboan magic!"

Jim looked at me, "Still, it's a new one!"

"Her creativity knows no bounds." Toby added.

Morgana let out a blast of hot magical energy, sending us all crashing into the walls, I sat up and held out my hand, "Niki Taki Witi Miki!" the chains tightened and warbled, but it didn't do much good cause Morgana split my spell like it was nothing.

Suddenly, Blinky burst in, "Apologies for my delay!" he exclaimed before looking up at Claire who was breaking the chains and floating.

"We need to contain her!" I shouted, pinning my ears, before standing up and grabbing the bottom of the chair and yanking her to the floor.

Blinky surged forward and produced a glowing blue crystal, before making an X figure in the air, which turned the chains from yellow to blue and tightened around her instantly.

"Ah," I panted, standing up, "a binding crystal." I turned to him, "Very handy." I sighed.

Blinky moved over to Jim and helped him up, "I was awaiting Arrrgh's return, but he never showed." he explained.

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