In Good Hands

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Sonya's POV! (The following Morning)

I awoke to the feeling of an arm wrapped around my waist, and I opened my eyes to find Draal laying on top of me, his arm draped around me, his face nuzzled into my neck lovingly. I heaved a sigh and took in our surroundings, seeing that we were in Jim's basement. Heh. It brought back a slew of memories, that's for sure. I sat up and yawned, brushing some hair from my eyes before nudging Draal,

"Wakey-wakey, Blue." I cooed softly.

Draal grumbled something in Trollish before opening an eye, "Five more minutes, please." he huffed, before tucking his face under his arm. So adorable, I mean, honestly.

I giggled and went to get up only to be held in place by Draal's hand to my abdomen, I gave him a deadpan look. "C'mon, Horn Head, lemme up." I complained.

Instead, Draal yanked me back down and nuzzled me happily, "You're so soft." He said simply, "Besides, I missed snuggling up to you." he purred.

I felt my face go bright red, before I shoved him off, "C'mon.You had your snuggle time, now I need time to deal with serious bed head." I mumbled, as I sat up, gesturing to the unkept brown hair that fell around my shoulders and clung to my neck.

Draal sat up along with me and looked me over before he chuckled and nuzzled my hair, "I like your hair like this, it shows how untamed you are." he snorted softly.

I blushed darker and nuzzled back, "Untamed, huh?" I echoed, "I'm some wild child to you?" I smirked slyly.

Draal growled playfully as I stood up and moved over to a box, before pulling out a hair brush and I began working at my hair, brushing it through. It was all tangled from being wet from the water fall back in the tomb. I was too emerged in the battle with my hair to notice Draal sneaking up on me until his nose was up against my shoulder.

I looked at him before running a hand through my hair. "I was thinking of chopping it off." I muttered.

Draal pouted, "I like it the way it is." He hugged my waist gently.

"Really?" I asked, arching a brow as I pulled my hair up in a pony tail.

Draal hummed softly, "Indeed. It smells so nice."

I snickered and pushed his nose away, "Shove off, you crazy troll." I laughed.

Draal chuckled as he bumped my shoulder lightly as we made our way up the stairs, I pulled the door open and saw Jim in the kitchen working at the stove. I sniffed the air before chuckling,

"Hmm. Morning all." I greeted as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Sonya. Hey, Draal." Jim replied.

"Hello, Trollhunter." Draal huffed, leaning in the doorway.

I leaned over Jim's shoulder and sniffed the air, "Yum. What'cha making?" I asked.

"Omelets ." He replied.

I looked over, seeing Merlin fawning over the fridge, opening and closing it over and over again, "Hm. Fascinating." he said, "But how do you know the light goes off once the door is closed?" Merlin asked, opening and closing the fridge door again.

"The wonders of modern tech." I chuckled, grabbing an apple and biting into it.

"I never expected Merlin to be in my house." Barbra chuckled as she brought some plates in, "Morning, you two." she greeted us.

Draal waved while I walked out of the kitchen to leave Jim to his cooking. Claire walked over to the table, chuckling, "You have a troll and a Loboan in your basement, Goblins and changelings. Why not a wizard."

Trollhunters: "Two Warriors, One Love Lost" (DraalXOC)Where stories live. Discover now