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The human society had its eyes opened to new possibilities over 100 years ago, when the new species of human was born to the world... The Pyros. They were afraid of these men and women, this new breed of human. Afraid of their power, scared of the fact that they could never completely control them. But as time passed, they grew to have a shaky yet somewhat peaceful relationship with these people.

     But, humans can only take so much change before they panic and break. 100 years wouldn't be enough to wrap your mind around the fact that there is a society of people that could burn your livelihood to the ground... literally. Unfortunately, humans would have to endure yet another revelation, a fear that many of them never wanted to come to light. The Pyros were getting larger in number, and they were getting stronger, much much stronger. Soon human societies would be ill equipped to handle a Pyro threat should a threat like that ever occur.

      It had only been a year since Roman Steel had attacked the Shelton family. Security footage of Roman and his gang was turned into the police, which gave them all the evidence they needed to put him away. Along with kidnapping a cop. But that footage revealed something else. Roman was a Super Pyro, a Pyro that produced flames that were much stronger and hotter than normal flames. And his ability to do so was on full display in the video. This was soon recovered by the government, and on realizing they were no longer had the control they once did, moved to make counter measures.


     The human race was caught off guard once before, and they vowed that they would never be caught unprepared again. Soon they would have the perfect weapon to protect themselves from these new Super Pyros. But at what cost? This could blow up in the humans faces, and when the dust cleared, there would be nothing left of what they built. The Sheltons were at peace at the moment, but would soon be thrown back into the fire. Secrets revealed, and enemies and loyalties questioned. A war was coming, but would they be ready to fight it?

     It was time for a game plan, a way for the human society to gain back the control. The trial for Roman Steel was the push Evelynn Smoke needed. She walked to her office, got inside, and began to organize her space. She made phone calls to various places. One such phone call, was to a man known as Martin Crumb, a man of science, and one who worked for the army. He and his team had been developing various tech and weapons. Evelynn was looking for something specific.


     "Martin, thanks for answering my call for once", said Evelynn.

     "I'm a busy man Evelynn, I can't just drop what I'm doing just because you want to talk", said Martin.

     "Listen Martin, we've been discussing the plan for dealing with these... what did you name them, "Super Pyros"," said Evelynn.

     "Yes, Super Pyros, what exactly did you have in mind," he asked. 

     "I want to reopen the Eclipse Project, it's our only safeguard against the Pyro people now," said Evelynn.

     "Project Eclipse is a last resort plan, in case they ever decided that they were tired of being mistreated, why do you want to activate it now," asked Martin.

     "The video footage we received in Roman Steel's trial showed us that we have become complacent in managing the Pyro community," said Evelynn, "They are becoming more and more powerful by the day, who knows how many Super Pyros are out there, we need to ready."

      "Let's say I agree with you, which I don't, it'll take weeks to get the Project back up and running, besides there's a reason why it was shut down Evelynn," said Martin. 


     "I'm well aware of the reason," she said, an irritated tone in her voice. "You're also aware that if this backfires, and everything crumbles, you're going to crumble with it," said Martin.

     "We're in this mess because no one wanted to take any risks, it's time we started taking some," she said. Martin sighed over the phone. This wasn't going to end well and he knew it. As much as he didn't want to, he had no choice, since Evelynn was his superior. "Alright, I'll let you know when we are ready to proceed," said Martin.


       "Excellent... and don't sound so gloomy Martin, we'll be saving American Lives, human lives by the time we're done," said Evelynn.

       "You know they are human too, just enhanced, and with a gift," said Martin. Evelynn scoffed at Martin's comment. "They aren't human, not anymore, they are a danger to society, I'll see you soon," said Evelynn before hanging up the phone. She turned and looked out the window, she could see in the distance, the great city of Fire Bird. "It's time to bring order back into the circle of things", she said to herself, a devious smile on her face.

Legend of the White Phoenix: EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now