Chapter 4

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The dinner went better than Ethan had ever expected. They all played board games, watched old movies, and just talked about whatever topic came up. They all stayed up until about 12am. The girls and the two boys fell fast asleep. Ethan and John went for a night walk. John told Ethan that he was curious to see Ethan's power, his new white flame. Ethan could see the light of excitement in his eyes. They walked to a clearing not far from the neighborhood. "It's late, so no one will see us out here," said John.

John walked a few feet away from Ethan, and turned to face him. "Alright, let's do a little stretching session," said John. Ethan looked confused. "Stretching session," he asked? John nodded. The night breeze blew through softly.

"I want to see the extent of your flame," said John, "See how much you've learned to control." John made a fireball, the red light illuminating the area around him. "I'm going to throw my flame at you, and you try to block it, and you'll do the same, alright,' said John, an encouraging grin on his face. Ethan hesitated, he was a little nervous about taking the brunt of a seasoned Super Pyro's attack. But he nodded, changing his expression from uncertainty to determination. Ethan got in a athletic stance.

John reared back, and fired the ball at Ethan. Quickly, Ethan ignited his flames, and made a shield of fire in front of him, just as the ball connected. The force of the blast was more than Ethan expected. It sent a jolt through his body, but he was able to disperse the fireball. John clapped, "Very good very good!!," he said. Ethan smiled. "You've been training, getting a hold on your powers," said John. He gestured for Ethan to make his move.

Ethan created his fireball, and threw it at John. With the flick of his wrist, John dispersed the fireball easily. Ethan was shocked, not knowing exactly why he was so surprised. "Good form, but you're not putting enough energy into your fire," John. He went for another shot. Ethan quickly got in his stance, just as John fired. The blast connected, Ethan threw up his defense, but not in time to take the full brunt of the attack. He held it for a few seconds before it broke through, sending Ethan flying backwards.

He landed with a thud, groaning. John laughed. "Oh, that one hurt," he said. Ethan sat up, a sarcastic smile on his face. "Oh ha ha," he said. He stood up and dusted himself off. He quickly shot another blast, this one much bigger than his previous one. John smirked, blasting back. The red fireball obliterated Ethan's white blast, tearing through it and speeding straight at Ethan. "OH," said Ethan as the blast crashed into him. Ethan flew even further than before, rolling backwards until he was on his stomach, face down. "Ow," he said, trying to shake of the jolting feeling.

Ethan couldn't believe just how strong John was, and even now he could tell he wasn't even trying. He got up, and dusted himself off. "You know what the problem is Ethan, you're being too careful," said John. Ethan looked up at him. "How can I be too careful," he asked. John smiled, rubbing his hands together.

"You're using this power, like you used your old flames," said John. Ethan shook his head, the dizziness leaving his body. "You're being to conservative with your power because you're afraid to hurt someone or something," said John. "You have to let go, let the power become you, remember that this power is yours, you control it, it's apart of you," said John. Ethan nodded, shaking his arms in anticipation.

"It's alright that you're afraid of your new power, it means you're not a hothead, no pun intended," said John with a laugh. Ethan chuckled at the comment, shaking his head. "A man who isn't afraid of his power, will be destroyed by his power," said John. Ethan snapped his gaze from the ground to John, his mind racing to find where he heard those words before. "Dad," he said. John stared.

"Dad used to say that," said Ethan. John smiled a sad smile and nodded. "Yes, indeed he did, and that's what made him so good," he said. Ethan smiled. Then, new determination flooding his body, closed his eyes. His hand rose, the fireball instantly jumping out of it. The ball was massive, and bright. John was taken back. Suddenly, Ethan's eyes opened up again, they burned bright, almost as bright as the flames.

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