Chapter 14

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It had been a few days since the ambush at the base. John and the rest of the group regrouped, and were able to find a new spot. Marcus picked one of Roman's old hideouts. Now they waited for John's call. Their friends had been caught, taken by the enemy. And they were hungry for some payback.

He sat in the office, a phone in his hand. He had been staring at this phone for about an hour. Alisha knocked on the door. He looked up, seeing her leaning against the door way. "How's your plan to save Ethan and Abraham coming along?," she asked. John smirked and waved her in. "I'm working out the kinks right now, don't worry, we'll get our chance," said John. Alisha sat down and leaned forward on her elbows. She stared intently at John.

"You need to make the call, she needs to know what happened," said Alisha. John took a long deep breath. "I know.... But I don't know how I'm going to tell Amber that I lost her son," said John. Alisha put her hand on John's. "John, it wasn't your fault, none of us were ready, and who would've known that Ethan was going to be captured," said Alisha. John looked at her, he could see determination in her eyes. "She will understand, she has too," said Alisha.

John smiled, "You're getting wiser everyday you know," he said. Alisha smiled a proud smile. "Let's do it together," said Alisha. John waited a second, then nodded. He dialed the number, the tension seemed to thicken every time he pushed the buttons. The phone rang and then almost immediately Amber picked up.

"John?!," she asked surprised.

"Yeah.... It's me Amber, I, uh, have something to tell you," said John. Hesitation was heard over the phone. Amber's voice started to shake as she spoke. "What's going on?," she asked.

John took a deep breath, "We got ambushed a few days ago, we did the best we could to fight them off, and we got everyone out, mostly," said John.

"But..... We lost two of our team to the Icers, they've been captured," said John. Amber didn't say a word, the sound of her heavy breathing signalled she was getting rattled. "I'm sorry, I really am... But we couldn't save him.... Ethan was one of the teammates that were captured," said John.

The words ripped through his chest and out of his mouth. The sound of Amber's low whimper broke John's heart. Alisha closed her eyes, she had a hard time with all of this. She was with Ethan, she could've saved him she thought to herself.

"Amber, listen to me, we're tracking him now, and I'm going to get him back," said John. Determination burned in his voice. "I lost your son, but I will do whatever I can to bring him back to you," he said. Amber was quiet, Alisha leaned in, as if she could make Amber speak.

"Thank you John," she said, her voice was different now. "I don't blame you okay, but you're right, getting Ethan back is the main priority, along with your other teammate," said Amber, "How can I help?". Alisha looked at John with surprise in her eyes. John looked at her, then back to the phone. He knew better than to argue with Amber Shelton, especially when her kids were involved. The only man who wasn't intimidated by her was Bruce.

"It's been awhile since you've joined the fight Amber, it's going to be dangerous," said John.

"I lost Bruce, and I couldn't do anything to save him.... I'm not losing my son, especially when I can save him, let them try to stop us," said Amber.

"The girls coming too?," asked John.

"Of course, they'd come even if I said no," said Amber. John shook his head and smiled. The Shelton family always seemed to find ways to surprise him. "Alright then, listen carefully," he said.

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