Chapter 5

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Evelynn got a call from her house phone. She was in bed, reading, trying to build up the sleep she so desperately needed. Evelynn, not happy that her phone had interrupted her, answered it. "This is Evelynn," she said, the same thing she said every time she answered any type of phone call. "This is Curtis ma'am," said Curtis, "We managed to find the Shelton boy, but I'm afraid he escaped."

"Escaped? How on God's green Earth did he escape, he's an 18 year old boy going up against a trained Icer unit," she said with obvious amounts of displeasure and irritation in her voice. "The Shelton boy wasn't alone, John Reese was with him," said Curtis. Evelynn's eyes widened, snapping her out of her irritated mood. "Are you sure it was him," said Evelynn.

"Yes ma'am, Crimson red flames match his profile," said Curtis

"So he helped Ethan escape... I'll take it from here Captain, just make sure you clean up thoroughly, no one can know Icers were active just yet," said Evelynn. Before Curtis could acknowledge her order, she hung up. She quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed. She then called Christina up, and told her to meet her at the Super Pyro prison. Evelynn had been looking for John for years, seeing as he was a known activist for Pyro rights back in the day.

She had found that John and Ethan's father Bruce, were caught up in some violent incidents during his activist's days. So once he had become a Super Pyro, he was the first on Evelynn's list. He proved to be hard to find, and didn't have much on his whereabouts. Evelynn had planned to even take in Bruce if he showed any type of dangerous action, but he was killed before she could truly make a plan. Now that John was in her sights, she wasn't letting him slip away again.

Not long after, Evelynn and Christina were at the Prison. The warden, Quincy Davidson, a bald chubby man, with thinning black hair and glasses, was there to meet them. "Warden Davidson," said Evelynn, walking past him. "Ms.Smoke, I hadn't expected you to call today, is everything alright," he said. He struggled to keep up with her. "I'd like to speak to Roman Steel, where is he," she asked.

"He's in his cell, resting no doubt, I'll get him ready to talk," said Warden Davidson. He ordered some of the guards to get Roman ready. "May I ask, why you need to speak with him, he isn't exactly an honest man, very crafty," said Warden Davidson. Evelynn gave the Warden a narrow eyed look, "It's classified," she said, "And I know what kind of man he is." After a few minutes, Roman was ready to be questioned, Evelynn headed for the interrogation room. Christina was hesitant, not particularly happy that they were going to speak with Roman again.

"The temperature in the room, is very low Ms. Smoke, keeps them from generating any heat and power, take these jackets," said Warden Davidson. The two women put them on, and went inside. The room was indeed very cold, and two Icers were in the back of the room. Roman said at the table, hands cuffed and chained to it. He was staring at Evelynn, and sly smile on his face. She could see a spark of excitement in his eyes. Christina surpressed a shudder.

"Well well well, welcome back Ms.Smoke," said Roman calmly. He leaned back in his seat as Evelynn sat down. Evelynn narrowed her eyes, at Roman, she hated the uneasy feeling she kept getting from him. "Don't be so stiff Ms.Smoke, you're making me uneasy," said Roman, seemingly sensing her uneasiness, "I told you I would cooperate with you, and I'm a man of my word." Evelynn stared for a long moment. Roman's smile never faded.

"We are in the process of taking in Ethan Shelton," said Evelynn. "Oh," said Roman.

"Unfortunately, we were unable to detain him, because he was helped by a fellow Super Pyro," said Evelynn. "Oh," said Roman, slyly. Evelynn tensed at his smooth attitude. He was getting on her nerves, quickly. "Tell me everything you know about John Reese," she said. Roman's eyes lit up, a bright red. His smile shrunk to a smirk. "John huh... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time," he said, "So he finally resurfaced after all this time, interesting."

Evelynn glared. "I need to know what he's planning, how he operates, where he would go," she said sternly. "John is a very hard man to find Ms. Smoke, he's always been good at hiding things and hiding himself, not to mention he's adaptive," said Roman. His smile returned, but now his eyes were glowing brightly. "What do you mean by adaptive, enough playing around," said Evelynn. Roman raised his hands, "Calm down Ms.Smoke, I simply mean that he never does the same thing twice," he said.

"Bruce and John have known about you people for awhile, it was only a matter of time before the human government found out about Super Pyros," said Roman, "Long before you exposed us to the public, so John took precautions, laid low, gathered resources."

"Resources for what?," asked Evelynn. Roman shrugged, and shook his head. "I haven't seen John since I was about 9 years, who knows what he's planning," he said. Evelynn stared. "What is his connection to the boy, Ethan Shelton?," she asked.

Roman shifted, "Family friends, he was Bruce's closest friend," said Roman. "He's trying to protect the boy," said Evelynn. Roman said nothing, just nodded. "He's not going to let Ethan end up like his father, dead in the street," said Roman. Evelynn stared, watching Roman closely. Christiana looked up from her notepad. "What's with the face? You don't think I know how this game works, you're going to round us up, and destroy us," said Roman.

"Isn't that why you made these dogs behind me, as a weapon to equal out the playing field," said Roman. The two Icers glared at him. Evelynn leaned forward. "I'm rounding you up to protect the lives of humans, and yourselves, this power is dangerous," she said.

"I'm sure that's what the man that killed Bruce said, before he shot him in the chest, and stole him from his family," said Roman. Evelynn and Christiana looked at each other. "It's the only way for you to take care of something you can't control, you take it out, you oppress us and yet we're the monsters," said Roman, "I intended to use your method against all of you, and I could've easily done it if not for Ethan." Evelynn scoffed.

"You overestimate yourself, we're a lot stronger than you think," said Evelynn. "Apparently not," said Roman. Evelynn glared, but kept her cool. "This will blow up in your face, and you'll face what you're doing," said Roman, his face was now serious. Evelynn smiled, "You're angry, didn't know you could be," she said. "Believe me, if I were angry none of you would walk out of this room," said Roman. Christiana gulped, louder than intended. The two Icers now faced him. Evelynn stared. "Just wait, you'll see this is futile, and you'll answer for it, you have it worse then I," said Roman.

Evelynn smirked, so did Roman. She stood up. "We'll see, for now, I'll focus on John," she said. Roman's eyes dimmed, going back to their normal red. "He's a very unpredictable man Ms. Smoke," he said.

Evelynn nodded, then signaled to Christiana. She got to the door, then turned. "I have no intention on killing the boy, I'm a protector of humans, but I am no killer, all Ethan has to do is come quietly," said Evelynn. Roman said nothing, only kept the smirk on his face. "Ms. Smoke," he said. Evelynn turned and knocked on the door. When it opened, she and Christiana walked out, closing the door behind them. They met Warden Davidson the end of the cell block.

She thanked Warden Davidson for letting them talk to Roman, then when she got outside, signaled for the car. "Christiana, make sure the Captain and his team know what we just learned here," she said. Christiana nodded as they got into the car. She pulled out her phone and started typing down everything Evelynn was telling her. "I want everything we have, facial recognition, security cameras, anything we have, looking for John Reese and Ethan Shelton," said Evelynn. Christiana glanced to Evelynn, then typed down her order.

"I can't let them escape again, we're close to making a difference, we're close to a free world," said Evelynn. Christiana nodded. "I understand Ms. Smoke, you're trying to keep us safe, but, if I may ask one thing of you," she said. Evelynn looked at her. "Don't lose yourself in this, remember you're doing this to help them, not exterminate them.... They are all human too," said Christiana. Evelynn looked Christiana in the eye, and nodded. "You have my word," she said.

Evelynn looked out the window. She had to save her people from being overtaken, whatever it took, within her power.

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