Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, in the City of Cyber, Evelynn Smoke was on her way to the Pyro Maximum Security Prison. With her was her assistant, Christiana Powers, going to meet Detective Marshal. Marshal was the lead Detective in the case for Roman and was the Detective that was kidnapped by him a year ago. They were driving to the prison to meet and talk with none other than Roman Steel.

Marshal was already at the prison, getting things to get the visit underway. Christiana spoke up, breaking the 30-minute long silence. "So may I ask why we're visiting this man again? " she asked. Evelynn looked over her reading glasses. "We're going to see how this man operates, I thought I told you this," she said, "And he will give us the remaining data that we need to get our program into motion." She looked back at her phone.

"You should learn to relax a bit more Christiana, everything will be fine," said Evelynn. The car pulled to the front of the prison. The pair of women got out of the car and headed inside. Marshal was standing at the front desk, talking to one of the guards. He waved when he saw them approaching and walked up to shake their hands. "Good afternoon ladies, everything is in order here," said Marshal. Evelynn nodded, and Det. Marshal led the way.

The prison was grey and bland, white walls all around them. The stale air made Evelynn squirm, she hated prisons. "You're lucky you called when you did Ms.Smoke, we're getting ready to transfer him tomorrow," said Marshal. 

"Well, I couldn't let him leave without figuring a few things out first," said Evelynn.

"Don't know why you need to talk to someone like Roman Steel, but hey, not my issue," said Marshal. "No, it definitely isn't," said Evelynn. Marshal looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. They turned down a hallway. Christiana noticed that there was a six-man team guarding a door in the distance. Each one was holding an ice gun. She also noticed, that the closer they got to the end of the hallway, the colder it got.

The group stopped in front of the group. Marshal signaled for the men to split apart, revealing the door. He went to open it, then he hesitated. "What are you doing? Open the door," demanded Evelynn. Marshal spun around with an impatient look on his face. 

"Calm down for a second Ms.Smoke, we need to go over a few things before you go in," said Marshal. Two guards handed Evelynn and Christiana coats. "We keep it below zero in here, so you'll need these," said Marshal.

"Another thing, say what you need to say, find out what you need to find out and then get out," said Marshal. Evelynn narrowed her gaze as she finished putting on the coat. "He's not someone that you can put your guard down around, he's dangerous, even in a place like this," said Marshal. Evelynn simply nodded, then gestured to the door. Marshal opened it, and the two women along with two of the guards walked in. 

The room was small and brightly lit. The guards moved to the back wall and took their positions. Evelynn looked back at Christiana and nodded, then walked to the table. Roman Steel, sat the table on the other side. He had his head hanging, his now long hair covering his face. His hands were tied behind his back and he had a shock collar on his neck. Evelynn got her papers and notes together as she sat down. "Hello Mr.Steel, my name is Evelynn Smoke," she said. Roman said nothing, his calm slow breaths could be heard.

"I'm here on special business, and I have little time for games," said Evelynn, "I'll give you one chance, tell me what I need to know, and this will end well for you."

Roman let out a deep breath, then slowly lifted his head. His eyes made contact with Evelynn, giving her a chance to get a good look at him. His hair went to his jawline, and he was clean shaved. He also had a scar on his face, going from his hairline and running over his left eye, stopping at the center of his cheek. Roman leaned back in his seat as he watched Evelynn closely.  He smiled a sly grin, as his eyes sparkled for a second. Christiana suddenly felt a shred of dread come over her, Roman was making her uncomfortable. 

Evelynn, sensing her assistant's uneasiness, looked at her and nodded. She turned back to Roman, she was keeping her guard up, and for some reason, Roman was making her feel very uneasy. But she kept her calm expression, focusing on Roman. "That's a nasty scar Mr.Steel, guess you know what happens to men who mess with another man's family," she said. Roman scoffed softly. "Indeed I did... What do you need to know Ms. Smoke, " said  Roman.

"I need to know everything about Super Pyros, very simple," said Evelynn, "You're all getting stronger, need to find out why." Roman's smile got bigger and he started to laugh softly. Evelynn narrowed her gaze, she was getting irritated with how relaxed he was.

"Humans never change, you have spirit, Ms. Smoke, more than most," said Roman, "But all that spirit, all of the authority and power that you have, you're still afraid because you know."

"Afraid you say, that's funny... Exactly what do I know?", asked Evelynn.

"You know you're losing your grip on us, you know that there are more like me, and you know that soon there will be nothing you can do to contain us," said Roman. He glanced over to Christiana, the worried and scared look on her face proved his point. "Why else come to me, with these dogs behind me watching my every move," said Roman.

Evelynn glared at Roman, she could feel her patience melting away like ice melting on the sidewalk. She closed her eyes and folded her arms as if she was meditating. "I know what you're trying to do Mr. Steel, but I assure you getting in my head is not as easy as you think," said Evelynn. 

"You're right, I am afraid... Afraid because I know that nature has chosen a new favorite," said Evelynn, "The role of the dominant species no longer applies to us, and nature is not kind to things that are not the dominant species."

"If we don't act now, we will be swallowed up in the flames, forgotten to history," said Evelynn. Suddenly her eyes burst open as she stood up, slamming her palms onto the table. The sudden boom made Christiana and the two guards jump. Evelynn narrowed her gaze, "I for one will not be forgotten, and I will not let my race lose to the likes of you," she said. Roman, who wasn't startled by the sudden explosion of excitement, smile cooly. 

"You will tell me everything I need to know about your flame, you will endure every test, every exercise, and interrogation that I put you through... And you do them all until I break you completely," said Evelynn, her tone was sharp and deadly. Roman's eyes suddenly glowed with excitement. "I'm at your service, Ms. Smoke, I intend to be there when this blows up in your face," said Roman. Evelynn smirked, then stood up. "Keep it up Mr. Steel, it'll be more enjoyable to get what I need to get from you," she said.

Evelynn gestured to Christiana, then gathered her papers. "One more thing Mr. Steel, the boy that took you down, Ethan Shelton, he's a Super Pyro too is he not?", asked Evelynn. Roman nodded, "Indeed, he's young but powerful, and he'll only get stronger," he said.

Evelynn turned and walked to the door, then knocked. "You will be moved to my facility first thing tomorrow," said Evelynn. Marshal opened the door as the two women walked out. Roman watched them exit, his smile never breaking.

Marshal walked the women out of the prison. "I'm sure you got what you came for?", he asked.

"Of course, make sure he's transported quickly and smoothly," she said. Marshal nodded, then said his goodbyes. Christiana and Evelynn got into the car and headed back to their headquarters. "Ma'am, why did ask about Ethan Shelton?", asked Christiana, "He's an 18-year-old boy."

"That 18-year-old boy helped bring down a three-story building, he's dangerous, all of them are," said Evelynn, "I can't let him go just because he's a boy, we need to stop all of them." Her tone was calm and cold, Christiana nodded quietly. "Now focus Christiana, it's time to go hunting," said Evelynn.

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