Chapter 11

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It had been 3 days since Ethan and the others raided the lab. After the massive truck explosion, the authorities were still picking up the mess that it had caused. Evelynn was there, in the main lab with Christiana trying to figure out what they took. They had men looking throughout, and they logged all the supplies and important items that were in the lab.

"They didn't take anything, the only thing out of place that we found were these," said Christiana, pointing to the small devices that John had shot into the ceiling that night. Evelynn looked around, her face twisted in irritation and focus. "What was the purpose of these?," asked Evelynn. Christiana signaled for the devices to be locked up with the other evidence. "They scan and record the surrounding area, it looks like they were trying to steal info," she said.

Evelynn turned and walked around, "What are you planning John?," she thought to herself. Then the sound of a knock interrupted her thoughts. They both turned to see Curtis Bloom standing there. "Ma'am, we brought him," he said. Evelynn nodded, and Curtis gave the order to bring their guest in. Christiana was surprised to see Martin Crumb walk in. He looked drained, like someone had sucked the light from his body.

Evelynn told everyone else to leave, when they were all gone, she spoke, her tone narrow. "You look exhausted Martin," she said. Martin looked at her, running his hand through his hair. "I've been busy," he said. Evelynn walked over and pulled out a chair. She watched Martin closely. "I bet you're wondering why you're here," she said. Martin nodded, "I'm supposed to be making more of your "soldiers"... You don't me to help you here," he said.

Evelynn stared, an icy look in her eye. "Something has been bothering me, and I believe you may be able to help me find some peace," she said. Christiana and Martin looked at each other. Curtis started to slowly walk around the lab, watching Martin as he walked. "It appears John is trying to gather info on our plans, and our facilities, which isn't the worst issue on the table, it's to be expected when people don't agree with the laws in place," said Evelynn.

She shifted in her seat. "The worst of the issues here is, he and his group of associates, have taken down three of these facilities," said Evelynn, "Which is funny, because all of our facilities are supposed to be classified, Black sites." Christiana started to get a worried look on her face. Martin stared cautiously, "Say what you need to say Evelynn, because it sounds like you were about to accuse me of something," he said. Evelynn watched Martin for a long moment. "Martin, I know how you feel about this project, this work we're doing now," she said.

"But I never expected to find out that you would betray your country," said Evelynn. Martin's eyes narrowed, and before he could speak, Curtis pinned his arms, and slammed him on the table. Martin grunted in pain. "Doctor, I know you're the one who's been giving John Reese the information that he needs," said Evelynn. She stood up, and glanced to Christiana. Her assistant had a look of horror on her face. Evelynn's face was cold.

Martin struggled, as Curtis tightened his grip. Evelynn walked up to them. "Are you crazy?! I didn't do-," Martin started to say. Evelynn cut him off, as she slammed her hand down in front of his face. "Don't try it, I've been working on figuring out this leak ever since the first break in," she said, "Everything leads back to you, documents, secret emails, phone records..... Sloppy work for someone who specializes in making enhanced beings for a living."

Curtis stood Martin up, making him face Evelynn. "I admit, it did take awhile for me to catch on, you've been giving him information for about 2 years now," said Evelynn, "But it's over, no more naive games." Christiana went to say something, but Evelynn shot her an icy look, which made her stay quiet. "You going to kill me, you really think you can?," said Martin. Evelynn turned to him.

"No one but me knows the formula for making an Icer, I made it, I know the code, the ingredients, the cellular makeup, you kill me and you lose all of that," said Martin. Evelynn took a deep breath.

"No Martin, I'm not going to kill you, even though I most definitely should," she said. Curtis looked at her, then back to Martin. "I'm well aware that you made sure this operation would be dead in the water without you in it, but you're going to continue your work," said Evelynn. Evelynn turned around, and walked back towards the chair. Martin and Christiana looked at each other for a quick moment.

"I'm going to make sure you pay for making a fool of me, and I'm going to make sure you give me every single thing I need," said Evelynn. Martin grunted, as two more Icer guards walked into the room. Curtis shoved Martin to them, and they handcuffed him. "And don't worry about John, he and his team will be joining your other patients soon," said Evelynn. Martin scowled, as the guards pushed him toward the door. Evelynn watched until they were out of sight.

Christiana walked up to her, "Ma'am, that was a bit overboard don't you think? Exposing him is one thing but roughing him up like that isn't right," she said. Evelynn stood and turned slightly. "You're too soft, it's what needed to be done, now let's move," said Evelynn. The two walked out into the hallway. "Get Curtis and his team ready to move," said Evelynn. Christiana looked confused, as she strained to keep up with Evelynn. "Ma'am?," she asked.

"John isn't as smart as he thinks, we were able to pinpoint the frequency of those devices he used, soon he'll have nowhere to run," said Evelynn. She walked away, a fury look in her eye.

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