Chapter 1

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It had been a year since the incident, the trial with Roman Steel. Ethan Shelton was a changed young man, both mentally and physically. He had a newfound maturity that he didn't have before. On the physical side of things, Ethan had grown so much, he was more powerful than he could've ever imagined. He sat on the couch, watching an old Western film with his now girlfriend, Michelle Florez.She asleep in his lap, her head resting on his thigh. Ethan had made some great friends in his human school, Harrison High.

He was very popular there, though Ethan wasn't a big fan of getting so much attention. But when you're only one of two Pyros that go to an all human school, there's not much you can do about it. Ethan studied his hand, analysing it. He could feel the power of his flames surging through him. School wasn't too far off, and he knew he'd have to be careful, even more so now.

As stated before, a lot had changed over the past year, Roman had been sentence to life in prison with a possibility of parole. Ethan could remember making eye contact with Roman as they walked him out of the courtroom. A calm, relaxed look on his face, though in his eyes, Ethan could see realization, and anger.After the trial, Ethan's family went to Florida for a month or two, to clear their heads. Ethan's two sisters, Rebecca and Stacey, grew closer to Ethan than they ever had before.

But even through all that, Ethan still felt overwhelmed somehow. Ethan ignited his hand, as a white, glowing flame engulfed it. Ethan watched it burn, still amazed at the power. He had this power for over a year, and it still dumbfounded him. He could remember the rush when he first unlocked it. He was both curious and afraid. Curious about what he was truly capable of, and afraid of how much damage he could actually do now that he had this power.

"Wow", said Michelle. Ethan looked down at her, her bright blue eyes seemed to glow as the flames white light bounced off of them. Ethan, who had his arm resting on top of the head cushion, brought down and wrapped it around Michelle. Ethan put his flame out. "Did you sleep well, you lost me 10 scenes ago", said Ethan. Michelle laughed a dopey laugh, burying her face in Ethan's stomach. "I had a great nap actually," she said. Michelle ran her hand over Ethan's arm. Ethan's arm had been permanently scarred after the building went down. Though the small ones were faded away the big ones would stay with Ethan forever.

"I can't believe it's been a year already," said Michelle. Ethan nodded, time had passed so fast. After Ethan recovered from his injuries, he and his family took time away from the city. So many things on his mind at the time, it was good to get away from it all. He got a chance to learn about his new found powers, the flames that gave him the ability to blow up a three story building, and it was only growing more and more powerful. "You know you're going to need to be careful when school starts up again," said Michelle.

Ethan chuckled and nodded. Michelle sat up, fanning herself. "It's really hot in here, don't you guys have an air conditioner," she asked. Ethan shook his head. "We don't have an air conditioner actually," said Ethan. Michelle stared at Ethan in disbelief. "Why don't you have an air conditioner," asked Michelle.

"Because we're Pyros, we don't feel heat remember," said Ethan smiling, "Also we don't do so well in the cold."

Michelle put her hair up. "I never knew that, but not even a little cold," she asked.

"We can handle a little cold, it's when it starts getting below zero that we have a problem, no heat no power," said Ethan. The door suddenly opened. "Welcome home Ms. Rebecca," said Geezer, the Shelton's AI. "Thank you Geezer, Hi you two," said Rebecca. She walked over and gave Ethan and Michelle a hug. "How was work," asked Ethan. Michelle got up and went to the bathroom as Rebecca sat down to take her shoes off. "It was fine, normal day you know," said Rebecca.

"Normal for a bank teller I guess," said Ethan. Rebecca chuckled.

"I did hear some interesting topics today tho, lately everyone has been talking about the humans and their campaign against us," said Rebecca. Ethan looked at her. He had been hearing about that too lately. The human and Pyro relationship was in a rough patch.

The reason for all of this campaigning and marching on the human side of things, was for what happened at the Marvel Festival last year. The day Ethan and his friends almost caught Roman, was the day that drunk Pyro was shot and killed by the police officer. The security at the festival was upped tremendously because Roman had spooked the mayor into taking some unnecessary precautions. And when the man was shot the Pyro guests went off the rails, attacking anything and everything in sight. Ever since that day, humans had been afraid for their safety.

Ethan and Marcus had to stay home from school for a few weeks until things cooled off weeks after the incident. But things were still on high, Politicians arguing on what to do. Even cancelling this year's Marvel Festival in fear of another situation like this happening again. "They say that the government is going to be introducing a new safety "tool" to help protect them from the Pyro community," said Rebecca. Michelle had come out and was now leaning against the wall. "It's a whole mess, who started it and who was in the wrong, honestly I wish we would just get along for once," said Rebecca.

Ethan took a deep breath. He knew that this wasn't going to end well for anyone if this kept going the way it was going. As he was about to say something, the doorbell rang. Rebecca couldn't move fast enough. There was bumping from upstairs. Then Stacey came flying down the stairs, literally leaping from the top. "Got it," she said.

Ethan and Rebecca looked at each other as Stacey swung the door open. "Hey beautiful," said Walter, Ethan's best friend and Stacey's new boyfriend. Stacey blushed as she kissed him and pulled him into the house. "Good Afternoon Mr. Simmons," said Geezer. "Sup Geezer," said Walter. He took his shoes off as Ethan got up and walked over to him.

"Hey man," said Walter, Ethan fist bumping Walter. "You're early," said Ethan,

"Well, you know me, always gotta be on time, also getting through the security was longer than expected," said Walter. Stacey walked up, resting her head on his shoulder. "Hey Walter," said Michelle, "I didn't know you were coming."

"Hey Michelle, yeah Stacey said she was having problems with her laptop, so she called me over to see if I could fix it for her," said Walter. Rebecca glared at the couple, her expression clearly showing that she wasn't buying any of it. "Your laptop is broken, oh please, next time come up with a better reason to make out with Walter," she said, looking at Stacey. Stacey stuck her tongue out at her older sister. "Back off Becca, my laptop is busted," she said.

"Uh huh, just don't go getting any ideas, unless I need to supervise you two," said Rebecca. Walter shook his head vigorously. "Oh my god, please don't," said Stacey. Ethan and Michelle laughed

Rebecca went in the kitchen. "So have you guys heard about that campaign to "Make society safe again" what a bunch of bolgani," said Walter. Ethan nodded, "Heh, I guess, but I can see why they want it, after that whole riot broke out a lot of people got hurt," said Ethan. Walter sat down on the couch, Stacey went into the kitchen. "Yeah sure, but let's not forget who started it, a human cop who apparently can't follow directions," said Walter. Michelle nodded.

"I just don't need the extra drama you know, it's bad enough both sides can barely stand each other, if they make some security protocol or something everyone is gonna go nuts," said Walter.

"Everyone just needs to get past all this, it was a year ago," said Michelle. She leaned onto Ethan. "I wonder how the others feel about it, I bet Marcus has a bunch to say about it," said Walter. Ethan shrugged, knowing Marcus's past seeing as he was with Roman for a lot of the time, his feelings on the matter would probably be strong. Stacey came running out, and grabbed Walter by the shirt. "Come on come on, let's get to work," she said. Walter struggled to keep up with her as they ran upstairs.

Rebecca also came running out, as the sound of Stacey's door shutting was heard. "Hey, don't get any ideas you two, and open that door," she yelled. She ran upstairs after them. Ethan and Michelle laughed, as they went back to watching their movie. But meanwhile, in the human city, things were getting put into motion.

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