Chapter 15

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Ethan was back on a bus, with 20 or so other prisoners. They had taken samples from him, shaved his hair, and put a shock collar around his neck. Now he was handcuffed, a chain connected to the floor. Abraham was on the bus in front of his. Ethan tried not to focus on the fact that now he was on his way to a prison.

Maybe he could use this as an opportunity to gather intel. If he was being taken to where he thought he was being taken to, he'd be at the heart of the enemy's operation. Though he had no idea how'd he get in contact with John and the others. He let himself get lost in his thoughts until the bus stopped. Ethan looked out the window, and noticed a perimeter wall. It was really tiny compared to the wall back home, but it was still intimidatingly high.

Icer guards were all over the place, including regular human agents. "Everyone up!!," yelled the Icer up front. Everyone stood, and then got the order to file off. They stood in a courtyard, a massive one. Buses with other prisoners, police dogs and other agents were moving and working. Ethan turned to look at the building.

"Jesus," said a woman next to him. Ethan agreed, this place was huge. There were smaller buildings around the biggest building, which towered over everything. It glowed like a beacon in the night.

Ethan was taken off guard, as the line started to move. They were filed into the smaller buildings, and then organized into different groups. Different lines were directed to different places. Ethan looked around for Abraham. "KID!! KID!!," yelled a familiar voice. Ethan turned to see Abraham. He was being directed down a hallway with a different line. "Don't worry about him right now," someone said.

Ethan turned to see Curtis. Ethan's eyes glowed with anger as soon as her laid eyes on him. "Don't try it, come with me," said Curtis. Two guards grabbed Ethan's shoulders and pushed him forward. They walked down a long hallway away from the crowd. Ethan noticed that the temperature was getting colder and colder. He noticed it earlier, but was too focused on the buzz around him to feel it's effects.

They led him to a door, and then pushed him inside. Curtis walked Ethan to the center of the room where a table and two chairs sat. Curtis made Ethan sit down just as the door reopened. Evelynn walked in. Ethan stared, wondering what she was doing there. Evelynn sat down, and crossed her arms. She watched Ethan closely, watching his eyes. "No glow this time," she said. Ethan didn't say anything, he just stared, calmly.

"I hope you know that this isn't personal Ethan," said Evelynn. Ethan stared silently, watching her facial expressions. "This is the only way we could come up with to even the playing field, we take down Super Pyros deemed too dangerous to be in society," she said.

"Super Pyros like me," said Ethan. Evelynn stared at Ethan. "Super Pyros like my father, who was taken away from me and my family because of fear," said Ethan.

"I'm truly sorry Ethan, and I understand the anger you feel," said Evelynn, "But this a game a survival, and I intend to win this game." She shifted in her seat, and took a deep long breath.

"John Reese and his team have caused nothing but trouble the past few years, and it's clear that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants," said Evelynn. "He's trying to stop you guys from taking us without reason," said Ethan.

Believe what you want Ethan, the fact is that power such as yours and John's can't be allowed to roam free out in the world," said Evelynn. She stood up slowly, keeping her gaze on Ethan. "Let me make something clear to you Ethan," she said.

"You have no power here, the life as you knew before is gone. You will tell me what John has planned next, and you will tell me where he is," said Evelynn, "I will break you, if need be." Ethan's eyes slowly started to glow, growing brighter and brighter, until they were beaming with burning anger. Evelynn felt herself get tense, but she didn't break her calm stare. She could see it in his eyes, Ethan was not going to break that easily. "Let's see you try," said Ethan. Evelynn gestured, and Curtis grabbed Ethan.

"Make yourself comfortable, you'll be here awhile," said Evelynn. Ethan's eyes dimmed back to normal. "I'll see you soon," he said. Curtis pushed him towards the door. Two guards were outside waiting for him, Curtis handed him over to them. Ethan noticed Christiana standing by the other side of the hallway. Evelynn walked out, and headed her way. "Let's go Christiana, we have work to do," said Evelynn.

Christiana was staring at Ethan intensely. She nodded to Evelynn's order but didn't break her gaze. Then after a few more seconds, she turned and followed Evelynn. The guards lead Ethan the opposite direction. That was the second time Christiana looked at Ethan that way, like she was concerned. Ethan wondered what she was thinking about, and why she was watching him like that.

He was lead to the cell block. The cold was really hitting him here, it was definitely the coldest point on the building. They opened the door, revealing rows of cells stretching and wrapping around the whole wing. The cells had nothing but a wall of reinforced glass, the prisoners pounding, yelling. As Ethan was walked towards his cell, every prisoner watched the new inmate.

Ethan avoided eye contact, as they made their way to his cell. The glass door slide open, and the guard uncuffed Ethan, and pushed him inside. "Get comfortable," said the guard, before he and his partner walked off. Ethan sat on the bed.

He didn't know how he was going to get out of here, but he couldn't give up, he had to make it back home. His thoughts started to pour in, before they were suddenly brought to a crashing halt.

"Well, well, well," said a dangerously familiar voice. It came from his left, he didn't move. The voice was like someone was sliding a giant ice cube down his spine. "Of all the people I thought I'd see in this place, you were the last of them," it said.

Ethan, felt blazing anger boiling up inside as he slowly turned towards the source of the voice. There, in the cell directly across from him, standing with his hands folded behind his back, was none other than Roman Steel. His long hair draped over his eyes, but the glow of excitement was clearly visible. And the scar on his eye sent a shiver down Ethan's scarred arm.

Ethan moved without thinking, running up to the glass, and pounded on it with his fist, his eyes blazing. He felt the urge to run over and beat his face in. Roman smirked, "Hello to you too," he said.

"Piss off Roman," said Ethan.

"Aww, no need to be like that my young friend," said Roman. Ethan glared at him, fist clenched. "Still mad at me for what happened last time we met I see," said Roman. Ethan was so angry he could barely see straight, then he closed his eyes.

He had to calm himself. He took a deep breath, then open his eyes again. His eyes were still glowing, but Roman could see that Ethan was focused now. "You've gotten stronger, a lot stronger I see," said Roman, "But you need to save that warrior spirit."

Ethan stared at Roman, he was different, he didn't know how but he definitely was different. "Save it for what, we're stuck in the most secure prison on the planet," said Ethan.

"Don't underestimate our power my boy," said Roman, "I know "He" has a plan to turn the tide in this fight." Ethan focused his gaze, He thought about how John was going to get him out, he was starting to worry. Roman must've have sensed this, because he spoke up.

"Don't worry Ethan, being resourceful is his specialty, but for now, it's time get ready, and I'm going to get you ready," said Roman. Ethan had a look of surprise on his face, then determination made it's way through. He was going to get out of here, by any means. He was going to get back to his friends, and to his family.

Roman smiled as he saw Ethan's expression. His eyes seemed to get even brighter than they already were. He could see Ethan wasn't going to give up without a fight, it wasn't in him to just lay down and give up. Roman chuckled with excitement.

"Let's get to work, friend," said Roman

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