number 8

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title: 𝑳𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔//𝑻𝒆𝒏 𝒑𝒕2

{two months later}
its been two months since i sent the letter, y/n wasn't responding at all. I'd even send texts just to check if she was doing good. but still I never got anything.

"hello again, i know you've probably been busy with school. so have i but can you please answer the letters or my text messages, you've seemed to disappear. its been 2 month since i sent the other letter, probably not so long ago but still. the members and i will be having a concert in LA soon. maybe you can come see us. oh my, i didnt even ask how you were. i miss you so much, its not the same anywhere everything seems so bland. with you here my world is nothing. i gotta end the letter here because we gotta practice. bye bye ily <3"

I put the letter in an envelope and kept it next to my hoodie so i could send it.

"hello mom, has anything come in the mail at all while i was at school?" i asked as i put my things on the couch. It was the weekend so i came and visited my parents. "no nothing really, except this. im not sure who its from so i didnt do anything with it." she handed me the envelope. "i'll be back, thanks" i said as i went to my little room. as soon as i sat i opened it. It was ten. *gasp* "omg its ten, i thought he forgot about me" i took some time to read it every now and then i would say little phrases. "aww i missed you too" i was talking to myself lol.

once i was done i went to my parents. "so who sent the letter?" my mom asked me as she was making food. "it was ten, i've missed him so much, oh also he said hello to you guys." "oooh ten, your ex boyfriend? tell him we said hi as well" "not ex at least i don't think so, well i'll tell him you said hello" i went back to my room and went on my bed. i looked through my messages, i had so many. As i was looking i saw that i had 15 texts from him.

(The time is different bc of time zones)
Oct. 12, 7:34pm
"hey y/n how are you, we've all been good, just wanted to check on you"

Oct. 17, 4:09am
"its ten again, did you receive my letter?" just asking"

Oct. 29, 8:22pm
"How is school going? rn Mr. Yang is giving us tests, this sucks lmao"

it was a lot of texts, he really misses me. I giggled a bit and whispered to myself "I miss you ten, I promise I'll visit soon". I left my phone on the bed and went to my parents. "mom, dad can I please go visit ten when my break starts next month?" my parents looked at each other "wait just a sec" i sat on the nearest chair and waited till they finally said something. "You can go but you will be staying over at song-i's house" i got exited and hugged them "thank you thank you so much"

(song-i is from a kdrama im watching on netflix its called «my first first love » its such a good show, i recommend watching it)

i went back to my room and laid on my bed thinking of what the members and i could do while i visited. I missed them all so much. i cant wait to see the again


580 Words♡♡♡k this isnt nct related but chan looks FINEEEE like wowoow

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580 Words♡♡♡
k this isnt nct related but chan looks FINEEEE like wowoow. i love him so so much♡♡♡

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