number 9

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title: 𝑳𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔//𝑻𝒆𝒏 𝒑𝒕3

{Saturday morning, 4:37am}

today was the day I'm going back to Korea, I'll be staying for 2 weeks. I was up before my parents, they're the ones that are gonna drop me off at the airport. i whispered to them "mom, dad it's almost time to leave" it was still dark out so they didn't wanna get up. I kept saying mom and dad but they still don't sake up. so I decided to just turn on the lights and leave the room. I usually do this when they don't get up. the plane didn't leave till 6 but it does take a while to get to the airport. I got my suitcase and went downstairs to the kitchen. I made myself a small breakfast. while my parents were getting ready I wrote a list of things I wanted to do with Ten.

a while later my parents finally came down. my things were already in the car, all we needed to do now was leave for the airport. I had to make sure everything was good. we all went inside the car, I was listening to music during the ride. halfway into the ride my mom started talking to me. "y/n, I want you to enjoy your time in korea, make sure to tell song-i when you'll be home and where you are and who you are with, please stay out of trouble and stay with the members as much as you can, just try not bothering them because they have to do things of their own"

"i promise to stay out of trouble,I'll call you or send a message when I'm with song-i" she smiled and turned back around. within a couple of minutes we were all at the airport. my parents and I went inside, i was carrying in suitcase. i went through security. rn the time was 5:40am. "mom, dad do you guys want to eat anything before you go? Since you two didnt eat" they both looked at me and agreed. we went to a close little cafe. we all ate a little something and drank a warm cup of hot chocolate.

"Plane to seoul will be leaving in 10 minutes." the lady said, i was outside the entrance. I turned around and hugged my parents "I'll miss you guys, thanks for letting me go to Korea" they hugged me tight "we'll miss you too, please make sure to send us pictures of where you visit" I nodded and they both kissed my head "take care sweetie" my mom said as she gave me one last hug. a little smile was on my face "passengers to Korea please start heading in, this is the last call" I got my suitcase and took a deep breath, I looked back at my parents and blew them a little kiss. I mouthed "bye bye, love you" before I went inside the hallway to enter the plane.

{time skip}

"we will be arriving in 2 hours" I took a nap and dreamed of what ten and I could do while my visit. same with the members. then I realized they didn't know I was visiting. I should surprise them. I fell asleep for a while, I woke up 10 minutes before landing. once we landed I saw song-i waiting for me by the entrance, I went to her and have her a hug "omg song-i I missed you so much" "I missed you to y/n." with that we went to her house. it was a nice place, I stayed in the guest room. it was pretty late so we went to sleep. "tomorrow I'll go surprise them" I said to myself as I hugged my little stuffed animal. it was a little something ten got me before I left.


640 words ❤️. i have so much homework to do and it's all due tomorrow (December 2) I'm gonna fail. stupid high school :/ WELL I hope whoever is reading this liked it :))

 stupid high school :/ WELL I hope whoever is reading this liked it :))

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