number 12

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this is probably gonna be the last but idk 🤷🏻‍♀️

title:𝑳𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔//𝑻𝒆𝒏 𝒑𝒕5


Today was a new day and the members and I went out to a carnival, its fun so far. everyone is making me laugh. a lot. I love being with them. almost every one has a camera, we were all live. as we went on a roller coaster they all got exited. I just wanted to see them scream bc I found that so funny.

whenever the live would end if re watch them to see if I could get a meme out of them. I have living memes for friends. lmao. we spent the day playing around and eating foods, it was so fun.

we were now back in the building, nct was practicing new choreographies and songs. I went with the stylists, they're all so nice. whenever im with them we like talking about how the boys act and how funny they are. I noticed a new girl, she seemed about my age. She kept talking about ten and how perfect he was. "Why would hw choose the girlfriend he has now, he can do so much better". My blood boiled, i wanted to just- ughh.

No no im gonna keep myself calm. when she said that i started to have thoughts. Fuck. Why am i letting some girl get to my head. Ten loves me for me. And i love him for him. "I want him all to myself" i heard her say. I left the room before id do anything. I went back to the practice room, they were still all practicing. I went back to the dorms and sat on the couch going through my phone and seeing all of the pictures Ten and I took when i lived here in korea.

I played some music and sang a long. Some time passed and they all finally got back. All sweaty but back. Every one washed up and came to the living room. Mark asked if we should order take out. Ofc we all said yes bc we didnt wanna cook. Mark ofc ordered some watermelon flavored thing.

{Time skip bc im lazy}

We finished eating and sat back down, i was on tens lap since all the other spots were taken. he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I miss our cuddling moments. this is as much as id get right now bc everyone was here. As we watched more movies, others played games, play fighted(?) one another i knew id miss all of this once id head back to the states. But for now i had to make a lot of memories before i leave in a week and some days.

I started to fall asleep since i was comfortable. Ten took me to his shared dorm and set me on his bed. "Im so glad youre here y/n, i missed you so much" i smiled and he laid next to me, i wrapped my arms around him and felt him kiss the top of my head. I knew this was gonna be the best break of my life, many more breaks will come and i'll visit korea more.  "I dont know if you received my Letters and if thats what brought you here but im just so happy that you're here y/n." he said to himself and i heard him. Oh my, i really love this boy with all my heart.

this is gonna be the best break :)


LMAOOOO this is probably bad but yeah this is the end,hope you kinda liked it

LMAOOOO this is probably bad but yeah this is the end,hope you kinda liked it

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