number 3̵8

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title: 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚// 𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂𝒔
@/softminho.skz on instagram

"Lucas~ can you come with me to the store" right now lucas was kinda busy with his work. "i can't, i have to finish my work" i smiled because i already know he would have said that, he's pretty cold but still shows affection and that he cares, i pecked his cheek and left his office. he hasn't eaten yet so i left him some food in the microwave so he could just heat it up. as i put my shoes on and got the keys the door from his office opened but he was just going to the bathroom "i won't take long, bye~" i yelled out and went out the house and closed the door behind me. i got in the car and looked at the list i made yesterday " ok ok pretty sure that's all we need" i put my seatbelt on (safety first) and put on some music.

[Little time skip]
i got most of the food, i came across the clothes section and looked at some shirts, pretty thin and o didn't really like them as much, i looked in the men's section and found some cute more better you could say, i kept looking around and saw the baby clothing. i smiled and walked over with the cart. "awww this is cute~" i said to myself and kept looking. i've always wanted to have at least two kids. i kept looking and found an adorable little dress. it was a light purple, it was like a summer dress. i took some pictures to show lucas. i left the section and went to go pay for the food, once i had everything in the car i drove back to the house smiling.  i sang to Itzy TING TING TING while arriving to the house, i took some groceries inside and saw that the food was now eaten "lucas can you come help me with the food please"

[Lucas POV]
while y/n was gone i was working on my work and some other thing i had planned for y/n, i felt kinda bad for not showing as much affection or giving her as much attention, i wanted to take our life further. i fixed our room and made it more calming, it was kinda cluttered up since we would be way too busy to clean. so i made sure it was nice and organized, "lucas can you come help me with the food please" i gets her say and i went downstairs "sure" i smiled and walked to the car and took in most of the bags, she got the rest and locked the car "did you eat well?" she smiled and looked at me with her palm under her chin, her eyes were kinda closed since when she smiled her eyes close. so she couldn't see that i was smiling "yeah i ate well, thanks for making sure i ate" she started to put the food away "i'll always make sure you eat" i walked behind her as back hugged her. i could tell she was a bit surprised, yet she held on to my arms and smiled "baby, can you come upstairs once you finish, but to my office please?" she nodded "sure sure, did you finish your work?"

i shook my head as a no "almost, ill go finish it so we can have a little movie date here, ok?" she blushed and nodded her head "ok ok go hurry with your work" she faced me and patted my chest. i was about to walk away but i kept y/n close and kissed her.
when he kissed me i was taken aback, i didn't hesitate to kiss back, i kissed him right away, arms wrapping around his neck and he lifted me so i could wrap my legs around his waist, i've never seen this side of him but i really liked it and i hope this side comes out more often. i broke the kiss and smiled "what was that for?" i looked at him and felt my cheeks become more hot.  "oh nothing nothing" he let go of me and pecked my forehead "ok ok i'm gonna go finish my work" i nodded my head and watched as he went back to his office.  after some time i finally finished and walked up to the office, lucas was almost done, i kissed his shoulder and sat on the couch that was in the room, i sang because i was kinda bored, i liked to sing even tho sometimes i felt insecure about my voice "your voice is angelic baby" i heard him say as he turned his chair "y-you think so..?" i looked at him and smiled. "yes i think so, ok ok come close your eyes and trust me" i did as told and walked with him.

[Lucas POV]
i opened the room door and walked her to the bed "ok ok i'll tell you when to open your eyes" i fixed some things and sat beside her "open" "it's clean? omg it's clean!, lucas you didn't have to d-" i covered her mouth and smiled "can i tell you something? i understand if you're not ready" she nodded her head and sat on my lap, i didn't mind because i like when she was cutely clinging on to me. "so we've been married for 2 years, i know you must feel lonely when i'm busy doing work, so i was wondering if-" i saw she was on her phone and was about to show me baby clothes "i was gonna ask you the same thing, if we could have a baby, seeing the clothes made me wonder how it must feel to be able to carry a baby, we could be a family" she held on to my arms and played with my fingers "can we have a baby? or even two?" i chuckled and nodded my head "yes we can have two if you want"

"ah also, can this soft side of lucas come out more?" i looked down shyly "i'll try my best i promise" she smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek "hmmm i love you" "l-let's go watch the movie" she shook her head and layer me down on the bed, she hovered over me "say i love you too first, please" i gave in and said it "i love you too" i quickly switched our position "ok let's go watch the movie"


Question: how many kids would you want to have?My answer: probably 2 or 3 😌i hope you like this, i think i could have written it better but i'm tired soooo😅😅

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Question: how many kids would you want to have?
My answer: probably 2 or 3 😌
i hope you like this, i think i could have written it better but i'm tired soooo😅😅

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