number 20

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title: 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑩𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅//𝑯𝒂𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒑𝒕2

[y/n pov]
he started to lean in closer and our foreheads were touching, his lips were very close to mine only some centimeters apart from touching. i could feel his breath brushing against my bottom lip, after staying like that for a minute or two he finally spoke "I like you y/n ever since I first laid eyes on you" I brought my hand to his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb "I like you too haechan..a lot" he smiled and then and there connected our lips. it has a soft gently kiss, i rested my arms around his neck and continued the kiss. he broke it and smiled at me "will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled at him then pecked his cheek "I'd be glad to be your girlfriend" he held my hand while we watched the rest of the movie (what a cliché).

once the movie was half way through we had finished our popcorn so he went and go get more "I'll be right back" he said and let go of my hand and went out the screening room. once he left I got all smiley and bushy, did the guy I liked actually like me back?? I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't some dream, it wasn't. ow. I hugged my legs while watching the movie and smiling. "I'm back" he whisper yelled "hey hey, you didn't miss much don't worry". I wanted to hold his hand but I felt like I'd be way too clingy. I didn't go for it, instead he got a hold of my hand and payed attention to the movie, so did I. my eyes slowly were starting to close while the movie was close to an end. I didn't get much sleep last night bc I had to study for a test that was today but the teacher changed it to next week. ugh, I hate when teachers do that.

[haechan pov]
I noticed she was looking kind of tired "hey y/n, once the movie is over we can go to your house so you can sleep" she right away opens her eyes making me giggle a bit. "ok *yawn* thanks" she said while laying he head on my shoulder very slowly starting to drift off. I found the way she slept cute, I used to find it cute but now, she's literally the most precious human being. the movie soon came to an end but I didn't wanna wake her so I stayed with her till the credits ended. "y/n.. wake up, let's go to your house so you can sleep more comfortably" she slowly opened her eyes and stretched her arms. "ok *yawn* let's go" she got up and held my hand so we could walk out the room, we walked to the car and got in. she put her arms inside of her shirt while starting to sleep again.

[at her house]
she was still sleeping so I carried her to the entrance of the house and entered the password for the door to open. once I was in and closed the door, I went up to her room and set her gently on the bed making sure she's comfortable. I took off her shoes and pulled the blanket over her. "goodnight y/n" I said and kissed her head "stay please" I heard her say in a tired voice. "like, sleep with you?" she nodded, I agreed and took off my shoes as well and went behind her. she faced me and hugged me hiding her face in my chest. "goodnight haechannie" I heard her say, this made my heart flutter. "goodnight y/n" I pulled her closer so she could stay warm, at first I wasn't tired but soon enough I ended up sleeping.

[Alec pov]
"why is haechans car still here?" I entered the house and went up to y/n's room. "y/n is haechan-" I say them both sleeping on her bed peacefully. "still here" I let out a small sigh and went over to them "sleep well y/n, you too haechan" I kissed y/n's head and patted his. I myself went to sleep because it was getting late. I knew y/n liked him but I never knew he liked her. was I this blind??? thoughts came in to my head. no wonder he'd always look at her differently than others. how he'd always help her out with things and say by her side when I wasn't able to be with her. haechan is a very good guy. but did he really have to like my sister, I laughed a bit and brushed my teeth before going to bed.

[haechan pov]
I woke up to y/n still cuddled up against my chest, I looked at the time and almost started to worry but then I remembered they cancelled school for today. I sang softly while caressing her cheek looking at her beautiful figure sleep. while singing I heard a faint knock from Alec, he walked in and stood besides me. "I know you and my sister are a thing now, I know you're a nice guy and all but please don't break her heart, she is sensitive and I don't want anything happening to her ok?" I nodded and kept playing with her hair. "I promise you that I will never break her heart, I'll do everything possible to keep her happy" I smiled "but did you really have to like my sister" I just laughed at his sentence "yes, yes I did" he rolled his eyes and laughed as well "ok well I'll be downstairs" I said bye and stayed with her for some more time. "I hope you slept well y/n, I know I did now knowing that the girl I like likes me back"


haechan is such a softie 🤧🤧 he's so adorable

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haechan is such a softie 🤧🤧 he's so adorable.
also can you maybe read my story on stray kids please 👉🏼👈🏼(I don't say that "I'm shy" thing, I've been using this for the longest time)

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