number 22

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title: 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖//𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒕5

[y/n pov]
I saw taeyong and I ran to him, I jumped into his arms and buried my face in his neck. it felt the same, how soft he was. oh how I missed this feeling "I missed you y/n" I broke the hug and looked at him. "so did I" we went to the swings, before we sat down he gave me some candy, I looked at it and noticed it was my favorite candy. I smiled at him and put them in the pocket of my jacket. "y/n...for the past 4 months I really did realize what I did that day, I felt so numb for the first 2 months, I know I should have yelled at you, I shouldn't have accused you either of cheating. I'm so sorry, please give me a second chance, I'm really hoping you do. I can't imagine my life without you" I held his hand and with my other, I put it over my belly.

"I'm sorry as well, I should have tried to tell you, but I really couldn't. my boss was always behind me making sure I would finish my work. he still does either way, it has been stressful for the past few months. when I do stay at work late and don't come home on time, please don't get mad or yell, just, ask how I've been and how it went. I want comfort when I get home" I wiped some tears off of my cheek and looked at him again "I promise to comfort you when you get home, I just want you to be happy" I smiled at how he was acting. it was heartwarming to me. "I give you this second chance taeyong" he got all excited right away, I giggled at how cute he was. "taeyong I'm also giving you this chance because I want our daughter to have a family with two loving parents" his eyes widened.

"y-you're pregnant?" I nodded and became a bit scared. he got up from the swing and it looked like he was thinking, then I saw him turn around. "I'm gonna be a dad~ y/n" he came closer to me and hugged me "she's my kid correct?" I giggled and hugged him back "of course she is, I found out a week later after the whole cafe thing" his embrace was tight yet felt so soft. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad" he said fake crying dramatically "oh shush taeyong, you're making a scene" I laughed at him and he broke the hug. I rolled my eyes and laughed "you're such an idiot" we both laughed. he placed his hand on my cheek and brought me close.

after looking in to each other's eyes for a couple seconds, he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back (obviously) and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I missed you y/n" he said while leaning his forehead against mine. "so did i taeyong, so did i"

[2 years later~]
"so-yeon, wanna go to the park with mommy and daddy?" this was the only way we could really get her attention. she came running, almost falling "let's go~" taeyong was getting her some snacks in case she'd get hungry later. so-yeon was putting on her shoes and sweater on her own. once that was all done we walked to the park, good thing it wasn't as far. well she got tired fast from walking "can you carry me" she said pouting and holding her arms up, she smiled right when taeyong got her, he started to tickle her. I loved the sound of her laughing. it was so adorable.

while playing we'd both play with her that way nothing would happen to her. she found a boy to play with, they hugged right away as if they new each other for a while, she made a friend~ "mommy, mommy look" she came running with the boy. "what's your name?" I asked him as he showed himself from behind so-yeon "minjae" he looked so adorable "hi minjae, I'm so-yeon's mom, and this is her dad" I said pointing at taeyong, he was ok his phone not paying full attention. "minjae !?" I heard someone call, she seemed to be his mom. "minjae, why didn't you tell me you were here" I looked at the lady. "hi I'm y/n so-yeon's mom, my daughter asked if your son and her could have like a playdate tomorrow, is that ok with you?"

"yeah sure let me just give you my phone number, where do you live by the way?",,,"not far from here, like a 5 minute walk" she looked surprised"no way, I live close from here, see that house? that's where we live" she surprisingly lived very close. "wow, well we'll have to let our kids play more often" we both chuckled "well, nice meeting you. come on min, we have to go to the store real quick, say bye to so-yeon" he waved and waved to me as well. "bye bye" so-yeon said and hugged minjae. "come on why don't we go home as well. you need a nap missy." she started to whine "but I don't wanna~",,"shush shush love, you gotta sleep, ok?" she nodded and wrapped her arms around me neck. "taeyong can you get the stuff?" he got off his phone and carried the bags as we walked back to the house.

"why were you on you phone the whole time?" I asked him with a soft tone. "I don't want so-yeon to know but I was looking for like a backyard playground set. so she could play with minjae" he said while opening the house door. ok honestly this was so nice of him, I found this so cute "aw so-yeon will be so happy, let me take her to bed then I'll be right back." I went up to her room and put her gently on her bed, I took off her shoes and covered her up with a small blanket. "sleep well love" I kissed her head and sat besides her.

"so-yeon, without your dad, I don't know how it would have been. see before you were even born your dad and I had a big fight, lasted for 4 months, the worst months ever, but I had you in my belly. your dad and I are good now, thank god. I don't wanna imagine a world without your dad. I'm happy I gave him a second chanc- " I felt an embrace behind me. "I'm glad you gave me a second chance as well y/n" he connected our lips and I smiled "I love you taeyong" I leaned my forehead on his "I love you too y/n, so much." we both looked over to so-yeon and saw her half open eyes "sleep with me, please" we both laughed a bit and went next to her. "sleep well so-yeon" I said before closing my eyes. "sleep well lovely" taeyong kissed so-yeon's head and closed his eyes as well.



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