number 13

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title: 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖//𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒕.2

I had no where to go at this time, it was 23:36(11:36). I don't think anyone was awake at this time. my mind kept thinking till I finally thought of someone that would probably be awake, johnny, he's usually awake. I ran to his house hoping that he'd be awake. "please be awake" I kept repeating as I finally got to his house. I was out of breath so I first cought my breath. "ok" I knocked on his door waiting for a bit, finally he opened the door. "hi y/n-" he didn't even finish his sentence. I hugged him right away and started to cry more. "h-he slapped me, for n-no reason" he didn't know what I was talking about but he still tried calming me.

"what happened y/n, deep breaths" I hugged him a bit more tighter as he soothingly rubbed my back. "taeyong...he slapped me". johnny was in shock. "come lets sit on the couch so we won't be out in the cold." we sat on the couch. "k now, he slapped you?" I looked down. "yes he did, just because I came home late and didn't tell him, then he accused me of cheating on him which I'm not. so he slapped me like I was nothing" my voice started to shake more as more and more tears fell. johnny right away came next to me and gave me a hug.

"can I spend the night here",,,"yes yes don't worry spend as much time as you want" I smiled as he wiped my tears away "thanks johnny, but what will l wear to sleep?" he thinks for a bit "go to the spare room and I'll get you some clothes, give me the ones you're wearing now and I'll wash them, shower up if you'd like" I nodded and went to the room, I got the clothes then went to the shower.

I went out of the bathroom and back to the room. as I finished changing I brushed my hair with a spare brush he left on the counter. as I got out the room to say goodnight he was already in front of my door about to knock. "oh, I was coming to say goodnight" he nervously laughed "so was I, thanks again for letting me stay" he chuckled a bit "anything for a close friend y/n, now sleep so you won't be late tomor- I mean later" I laughed a bit "yea I should sleep, goodnight johnny sleep well" we both smiled as we went to our rooms.

Taeyong POV
I turned around thinking y/n would be next to me, but no, she wasn't. I sighed and remembered what happened yesterday. I sat up and noticed that all her things were gone. nothing. completely empty, her little space was now no more. everything re played in my head in my head "she's cheating right.." I said to myself, remembering all the fear and sadness that shower on her face from all the screaming I had done. I shook my head trying to forget what happened yesterday. but it was no use, so I got ready and went to her work place to talk with her boss to see what was actually going on.

stepping in to the building I went right up to y/n's boss' secretary. she was already doing her work once I went in front of her she looked up right away. "hello Taeyong, what brings you here?" she said in a serious tone as I sighed "come on taeyong I don't have all day I gotta finish-",,, "Can I please know if y/n actually does stay in late or if she's lying?" I said as I was playing with my bracelets.

"why ofc she does, she's always in her office, 24/7 trying to finish all of her work as fast as she could just to go home and see her husband, which I'm assuming is you?" I was wrong, so wrong to think that y/n would do this to me, I have to call her "thanks for your time I gotta go home, bye" I walked out as fast as I could. I held back my tears till I got out of the building. "how could I have not believed you y/n, I'm such an idiot" I need to see her and apologize. I got my phone out as I was walking so I could call her. I was hoping for an answer.

Taeyong: hello? y/n?
y/n: taeyong..
Taeyong: y/n please come back to the house, i-i know I messed up but please come back, I need you please. I'm so stupid to do such a thing to you, please y/n. can you come home do we can talk please.
No answer
Taeyong: y/n please answer me.
y/n: I have to go..

just like that she ended the call. I looked at my phone and right away I knew that she didn't want to talk to me. nor even be near me, my heart dropped at an instant...


it's been a bit but I'm back!! OOH ITS ALMOST CHRISTMASSS :)) thx for reading, k bye ❤️

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it's been a bit but I'm back!! OOH ITS ALMOST CHRISTMASSS :)) thx for reading, k bye ❤️

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