number 27

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Title: 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒓//𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒈

I was happily leaving the house to go get food for the guys,they didn't know I was visiting them, I got in the car and put on some music while driving. as soon as I arrived to the restaurant, I ordered the food and waited for a bit, in the mean time I looked through Instagram and took photos with filters. once the lady brought me the food I bow'd and walked to the car. I drove to the building, it took some time since there was traffic. I soon enough arrived and walked in and bow'd to everyone else "hello" I smiled and got on the elevator and pressed the floor number. I waited patiently, other staff got on and off.

I got to the floor and started walking holding the food in my hands, the practice room was a bit towards the end of the hall. I walked for about a minute because staff stopped me and talked with me about how they were doing. I smiled and talked with them for a bit. I soon continued walking, I stopped and made sure the food was still warm. "no, she's very overthinking, she gets way to worried for no reason." the other members shook their head "she's your girlfriend how could you say that, she's just worried, she's wanting to I don't know, maybe make sure everything is ok?" kun sounded kinda irritated. "she's still very overthinkative, she needs to change that just the other day she cried because I came home late" hendery sighed "I'm gonna get food so I won't hear this"

I wiped my tears and put on a smile, he saw me and his eyes widened "I brought you guys food, I hope you enjoy it" I was near breaking down but I held it together. "t-thanks y/n" I smiled weakly and handed him the food then bow'd and walked back to the elevator while wiping my tears. "wow you got the food fast-" hendery interrupted ten "it was y/n that brought it" everyone's eyes widened and all looked at him, oh how he messed up. I walked to the car still wiping my tears away. what I didn't know is that they were looking down from the window. I leaned my head back and tried holding back my tears.

"stop overthinking, that's what he wants, what if I just don't think at all? no no I'll just not take things way into thought" I sighed and started to drive to the nearest store to look through clothes to get my mind off of what I just heard. I put in my earbuds and looked around, I tried on some clothes and smiled, I started to forget what happened and focused on myself. "this looks nice~" I looked at the price "good thing I got payed a few days ago" I changed into my clothes and continued looking around. I bought the shirt and jeans, then I went to a little coffee shop and bought myself an iced caramel macchiato (it can be whatever you want,I personally like this drink) I went to a shoe store and looked through shoes.

[3 hours later]
I finished my bath and got myself dry, changed into some shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I brushed my hair and went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. once done I walked to the living room and turned on the Tv. I played a movie and hugged a pillow. some time passed and yangyang was home, I didn't bother to look at him. "hey y/n" I looked at him and gave him a small smile. "hey hey" I looked back at the tv. "I'm going out with the members, I'll be back kinda late" I nodded "alright have fun with them" he seemed confused. "that's it? no "what if this" or "what about this"?" I shook my head.

"nope, I've decided to not think much about things now" I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him. "b-but why? you always overthink" I chuckled "I've changed, I'm no longer an over-thinker",,,"but I like when you over-think" I tightened my grip on the pillow "what do you like? and not like? you say I overthink everything, and now you say you like it? what is it exactly you want? you sounded so much more different in the practice room, your words said otherwise, I don't know what you want at this point, over-thinker or non over-thinker, make up your mind."

I got off the couch and waked up to the room and laid on the bed with my head buried deep in the pillow, tears ran down my cheek "n-no stop crying" I wiped my tears, I heard the door open and I covered my face. "y/n.." I ignored him and kept my face hiden. "listen, I had no idea you heard me, I didn't know you were outside the room. I'm sorry for what I said, I don't know if you'll forgive me or not, but I'm very sorry, I don't want you to change, I shouldn't have said something like that, I know you care for me and get worried. please don't change" he walked over to me and kissed my head "I'm sorry" I looked at him with glossy eyes then looked away. he got on the bed and hugged me.

"please don't change yourself just because I said those words-",,,"those words really hurt me" I said as he tightened his grip around me. "I know, and once again I'm terribly sorry" I nodded my head. "please forgive me",,,"I'll need some time love, understand that please" he nodded and kissed my head "I understand"


you come up with your ending 🤭I'll leave this to you❤️

you come up with your ending 🤭I'll leave this to you❤️

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