number 15

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title: 𝑯𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒔// 𝑫𝒐𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈

I've been outside for almost two hours hoping he would come to the restaurant we had planned to come to. I tried calling him, texting him, even the other members to see if he was with them, but no one answered. I looked at my phone again to see if anything pops up. but nothing did. it was already somewhat late to be standing on my own outside. I waited for a bit longer but still nothing, I walked home since it wasn't far but it was cold and I had a dress on since our date was gonna be at this fancy restaurant. I arrived home and went to my room and took off the dress and makeup I had put on. i was tired for some reason, so I got into bed and took a nap while hugging my pillow. I was having a dream of having a little girl with me, we would be playing around and laughing. she seemed as she could be future daughter if I ever get pregnant but at the moment it's not gonna happen.

I stretched as I just woke up from my nap "wow, I slept for a while" I said to myself with a tired chuckle. went downstairs "doyoung?" still not home. I sat on the couch with a little bowl of grapes and watched TV. time passed again and it was now 12:15 I got up and was about to head upstairs but I heard the door open very quietly, I stood there and looked at him come in so silently. "so, how was date night with the members" I said in a cold tone. "good actually we went out to eat and also went to an arcade" all I did was sigh. "well seems like someone ad fun tonight",,,,"yep, what'd you do y/n?" he took his jacket off and hung it up. "oh nothing I just waited outside a restaurant for about 2 hours when it was really cold" he looked confused "why did you go to a restaurant?" I ran my fingers through my hair and signed.

"probably bc I was waiting for you to come and meet me there but nope, instead I waited outside in the cold" I was pretty mad but then again sad bc he forgot. "fuck tonight was our date, y/n I'm sorry very sorry, I was really caught up with the members and everything that I forgot about our date, I'm sorry." he came to me and hugged me, I hugged back bc I missed him. "doyoung it's ok but please next time whenever we plan something please check your phone, I called you many times and even texted you" he kissed my head "i promise I'll try remembering",,,"don't try you must remember" I said in a serious tone.

whenever I tried being serious he'd laugh and he did laugh "hey! why are you laughing" I said with a pout he didn't respond all he did was just come to me and hug me. "ok ok y/n I promise I will remember next time, and you know that whenever you're serious I find it adorable" I blushed "yes I know, b-but I keep trying" he just shook his head and chuckled. "sorry again, tomorrow, tomorrow morning we'll go out to eat breakfast, I promise. but now let's go to sleep since it's late." I nodded my head and walked up the stairs with him.

I was already ready so I went on to the bed, doyoung was getting ready. once he finished he later besides me and I and my head on his chests. he played with my hair. "goodnight love *kiss* sleep well I love you" I looked up at him and kissed him "sleep well doyoung *kiss*" I closed my eyes starting to sleep and he did as well. "I love you too" I said in soft voice "goodnight~"


I suck at posting sorryyy but here is a doyoung imagine :) make sure to follow my Instagram pleaseee and thanks♡♡♡

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