number 26

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title: 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅// 𝑿𝒊𝒂𝒐𝒋𝒖𝒏 𝒑𝒕 2

4 years after xiaojun left

xiaoyu and I were doing our little workout as usual "mommy?" I stopped and bent down to his level "yes?" he became a bit shy and nervous "can we go get ice cream today?" I held his hands "baby we already went sunday" he pouted and came closer "pleaseeeeeee" he said giving me this look that always wanted me to say yes. "hmmm? ok but only because you've workout with me since sunday" I giggle as he ran upstairs and got a little thin zip up sweatshirt. he ran back downstairs and I helped him put it on. "ready?" he nodded and put on his shoes. I carried him on my back as we walked to the park. I let him down "run over so you can get in line" he nodded and ran, I jogged to him and waited with him

"what are you gonna want?" he looked at his choices "maybeee the strawberry one" it was out turn "can I have a strawberry ice cream and a mint chocolate chip ice cream as well, only one scoop" I said and smiled "coming right up" I picked xiaoyu up and then he got his ice cream and I got mine. "thanks" he said and waved to the lady "you're welcome sweetie" I payed for the ice cream and we sat on a bench. the day was pretty hot and as I expected the ice cream started to melt, it got all over his face. "stay here I'll be right back ok" he nodded and continued to happily eat his ice cream. "excuse me can I get some napkins" the lady looked over and giggled "sure thing" she gave me the napkins "thank you" I walked back and cleaned up his face. "let's walk back home"

he got off the bench and he wrapped his hand around two fingers of mine. as we walked he let go and went a bit more forward. he accidentally tripped and his ice cream fell. before I could get there, a guy helped him up "you ok bud?" all xiaoyu did was nod and hid behind my leg. "are you ok baby?" all he did was nod I patted his head and then looked at the guy. "thanks for helpi-". xiaojun. "y/n!?" he asked surprised. I brought xiaoyu in my arms "hi.." he said awkward. "hello." I said coldly "is that-" I interrupted "yes it is" xiaoyu hid his face a bit. "can i-" I stepped back "no you can't"

it didn't matter what he wanted, I could still not forgive him after what he did, it was his choice. I'm not just gonna let him see my kid after what he did to us. he left when I needed him the most, those 9 months weren't easy at all. giving birth was even worse. it hurt to see no one with me other than the nurses. it was the best and the worst experience of my life. I worked hard in raising him, I was not about to just let him see his father after what he did to us. I put so much effort. just the fact that he's here right now made me want to cry. I hugged xiaoyu closer as xiaojun came a bit closer.

"y/n please...I'm really sorry" him apologizing wasn't enough. "mommy how is he" xiaoyu asked while looking at me with his facial expression that xiaojun would do when he was confused. "no one sweetie, let's just go home" he nodded and I started to walk away. "y/n!" he brought his hands to my shoulder and turned me around, my eyes were glossy. his expression was filled with guilt and regret. "no xiaojun, you.." I pointed at his chest. I took a deep breath to make sure I wouldn't break down. I set xiaoyu down and he sat and leaned his head on my leg. "you left, you decided to leave, that's what you wanted, you made a mistake 4 years ago, xiaojun 4. how could you, you left me alone for those 4 years"

"I went through 9 months of pregnancy, no one was by my side, not you, not my parents, they didn't support our relationship because they knew what kind of a person you were, xiaojun they called me named that I didn't wanna be called, then I moved in with you, you're reason I ignored them was because I really did love you, at the time it was the best choice I had ever made. but you- you just couldn't handle the fact that I was pregnant. you left me alone, I had no one, only me. I really did need you, someone to take care of me. I guess that's what I dreamed to happen. it was all a nightmare being on my own. it is way to late now xiaojun" I said and wiped tears away. "y/n, I'm terribly sorry.." he was on the verge of crying while listening to what I had said.

"y/n" he held my hand and my heart started racing. "y/n I loved you, and I still do" he said while looking in to my eyes. I let go of his hand and sarcastically chuckled. "if you loved me, you wouldn't have left, you wouldn't have made me choose between you and my baby, you could have been there for me instead of who knows where, but you left.. goodbye xiaojun" I pecked his cheek and quickly left with xiaoyu. I ran to the house still holding my tears. I knew if I were to look back I would have jumped in his arms and would have forgiven him. I can forgive, but forgetting is something that's way harder.

I went to my room and cried, I opened my eyes to see xiaoyu getting on my bed. I wrapped my arms around his tiny figure. "I love you mommy" I smiled as he wiped my tears "I love you too sweetie" he kissed my nose and smiled.

 "I love you mommy" I smiled as he wiped my tears "I love you too sweetie" he kissed my nose and smiled

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I hope you liked thisss. i enjoyed writing it, maybe some tears were shed while writing but it's all good

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