number 31

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title:𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒊𝒎//𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏

-Jay is 5-
i say jay come running towards me with some macaroni necklaces he made "mommy here look what i made for you, i colored them pink and blue because you look pretty in those colors" he was just as a flirt as his dad, he smiled and his cute dimples showed "awww thanks baby, come in the car and i'll let you put it on me once we get home, ok?" he nodded and looked out the window smiling "i made daddy one as well, it's white since he likes that color, hopefully he likes it, i worked on it all during class. the teacher let me have free time since i finished early" Jay always liked to get things done as soon as possible so he could play around with his older brother (10 year old) charlie.

we arrived home and jay right away came to the front seat and told me to come closer "come here mommy, i want daddy to see what i made for you, i'll give it to him when we get inside" he smiled and i giggled, he tied it and looked at it "so you like it??" i nodded "its beauty sweetie" he smiled once again and walked to the house and opened the door "daddy!!!!!!" he yelled out and looked around the house, he ran upstairs and went into his dads office.

"daddy look what i made for you, i made one for mommy as well, she has hers on, she-" i heard my dad sigh "can you just leave it on the table" i sat on the chair next to him "can i put it on you?" i was hoping he would look at me "please..?" he sighed again, was he mad at me? i felt myself get carried "i told you to leave it on the kitchen table, is that not clear?" i looked at him in fear, he's never really been like this. i only nodded and ran downstairs and threw it on the table and ran and hugged my mom "i don't wanna talk to him"

i felt jay on my legs and heard his quiet sniffs "no baby, don't cry it's ok, how about we go outside and play so you won't be so sad, you said you wanted to play with your brother right? call him down and we can all go to the park for a bit and maybe we will get some ice cream, sound good?" i picked him up and sat him on the chair, i tied his shoes and he nodded "ok ok i'll be right back, charlie!!!!!" i chuckled and packed 3 sandwiches and put them in a large enough sized bag and put the food in. both boys came in the kitchen and waited.

"you guys ready?" i smiled and they both got their sweatshirt and ran out to the car, i got my keys and wallet then closed the door and made sure it was locked, we all got in the car and drove to a park that was big so they could play around. "ok so i already told jay we were gonna go for ice cream after" jay got all exited it looked like he forgot about what his dad had done.

[2 hours had passed] Jaehyun POV
i finished my work and walked downstairs, no one was home. i walked to the couch and turned on the tv and looked up at the ceiling and relaxed my body. i stayed like that for a bit then i started to get hungry, i walked towards the kitchen and looked through the fridge and saw spicy pork from last night, i put it in a pan along with some rice, once that was done i put it in a plate and started eating, while eating i saw macaroni on the table. "why is-" i remembered to earlier "i told you to leave it on the kitchen table, is that not clear?" i sighed and held on to it "did i really say that..? what kind of parent does that to his son"

i heard the door open and laughter filled the house "mommy made you fall while playing basketball ha!" i heard jay say, as they walked to the kitchen he froze and tears started to fall, he quickly hid behind his mom "jay come here please" he shook his head "charlie why don't you head up and shower" y/n said and he went up, jay was still hidden "i-i'm not gonna, you'll yell at me again" tears still falling down, i walked towards him and bend down "get away, you scared me..." he started to cry more "listen, i'm very sorry for what i did, i didn't know you would get  scared i was just really busy and behind on my work" he sniffed and came a bit forward "can you put it on me? i want be fashionable like your mom"

he smiled and took the necklace and came behind me and started to put it on me "ok good now you and mommy look good, mommy looks like a model" he giggled and i gasped "what about me" i carried him and tickled him "ahhh ok ok you look like a model as well" i smiled and ruffled his hair "i better" he laughed and i set him down, he ran to his and his brothers room and started playing around with his toys. i felt a hit on my chest "don't make him sad ok-" i cut her off with a kiss, she brought her arms around my neck and mine around her waist "don't make him sad anymore, i know babe"  "good, because he told me he spent his free time on these"

"guys tomorrow let's go see uncle johnny and elizabeth" jay came running "yessss i'm gonna see elizabeth she's so fun, oh and uncle johnny" he laughed and ran back to his room. we both chuckled and sat on the couch, his arm around my shoulder, and my head rested on his arm.


 who is your bias in nct/wayv??🧐 mine are chenle, jungwoo, taeil, jaehyun, johnny and hendery😌🥰ALSO who should i write about next? and how should the story go?y'all should like maybe 👉🏼👈🏼follow my tiktok

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who is your bias in nct/wayv??🧐
mine are chenle, jungwoo, taeil, jaehyun, johnny and hendery😌🥰
ALSO who should i write about next? and how should the story go?
y'all should like maybe 👉🏼👈🏼follow my tiktok

 who is your bias in nct/wayv??🧐 mine are chenle, jungwoo, taeil, jaehyun, johnny and hendery😌🥰ALSO who should i write about next? and how should the story go?y'all should like maybe 👉🏼👈🏼follow my tiktok

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please and thanks👉🏼👈🏼

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