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"don't do anything stupid while I'm away." sunhwa teased as they stood up.

"I'm not a high schooler, noona." seungwoo only shook his head.

sunhwa is staying to California for the mean time to take care of her husband who is sick.

they didn't bear a child so the two of them are taking care of each other very dearly, and spend their passion on work until he got sick.

it's been a while since her last visit. it wasn't easy for sunhwa to see her husband in a bad health so she spent hours at work. she misses him everyday, but it's too painful.

"i hope you already change once i come back." sunhwa giggled, only receiving a sigh from her dear brother.

"don't get sick, okay?" she patted his shoulders and fixed his sleeves.

sunhwa rarely does it, and he knows she's worrying.

"he will be fine once you get there." seungwoo smiled.

a tear left her eye although she's trying to hide it through her smiles. she feels afraid.

seungwoo embraced his sister for a few seconds. it hasn't happened to him yet. but seeing sunhwa like this, is enough to make him feel the burden.

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"i deeply apologize, but i really can't handle that case."

the three were being rejected by lawyers and firms as they hear the case.

gaea is sure of it. she knows heejun took advantage on this.

she clenched her fists in anger. of course she wanted to scream at those firms. but that would only be a strength to that punk.

"heejun planned all of this." gaea gritted. seongwoo patted her back to help her calm.

"don't get swayed, gaea. angering you is all part of his plan. we need to be careful." minhyun spoke, "i'm sorry i couldn't tell ms. han. she left for States to take care of personal matters."

"don't be sorry, though." gaea sighed.

"i'll go back to the station. i'll call when i got good news." minhyun excused himself.

ong swung his arms to relieve some tiredness then he noticed something on gaea.

"oh? is that a new one?" he asked as he pointed at the pouch clutched on her hand.

the lady shook her head, "it's actually not mine. i'm planning to give it back to the owner."

"do you know who it is?"

she nodded and sighed, "i figured out who it is."

ong snapped his fingers, "ah! that flashdrive! the one we saw earlier? i thought it was from that idiot." he chuckled.

"but gaea, when we inserted that flashdrive in my laptop, something weird popped up on the screen."

"what do you mean?"

ong thought for a while. but he brushed it off after realizing it's not something new.

"never mind. i think that's just my laptop lagging again."

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