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"gaea!" ong seongwoo called, rushing upstairs to her room. he is afraid, because he knows gaea better than anyone. what happened earlier could make her do something dangerous again.

like what happened when she found out that hyokyung was murdered.

gaea opened her room immediately.

he sighed as he saw her swollen eyes again, "can i come in?"


minhyun's waiting outside. he'll help us." ong said while fixing his hair on the mirror. "i already told the kids' adviser to--- oh, what's this?" seongwoo bent down to get something he almost stepped on. gaea shrugged as she noticed the flashdrive he's holding.

"isn't this heejun's?" he shrieked and quickly opened his laptop to insert it. "there might be something helpful here."

"don't mind it. he didn't even go up here." gaea said without much attention.

seongwoo finally inserted the flashdrive in his laptop and clicked on its folder. but somehow, the laptop wouldn't function. instead, a black and red pop-up screen appeared with a weird barcode. seongwoo became a bit frustrated on what's happening.

"wait," gaea turned to him, "give me that." she instructed, her palm in front of him.

"w-wae..." he asked in confusion.

"I know whose that is. and I should get it back."

"who is it?" the guy asked. but gaea already ejected it from the laptop.

seongwoo just let her do whatever she's supposed to without much questions. however, his laptop seemed to have quite some problems after.


"i'm telling the truth! i didn't steal it, sir!" gaea pleaded when wooseok kept asking how she got the pouch and the flashdrive.

"i told you everything. I also returned the amount of money i used. it's for my kids. i'm in a huge problem now so i wanted to clear this before facing a heavier one." she explained while looking down, embarrassed about how the think of her, well, that's what she thinks.

"you're already in a bigger problem for not returning it immediately." wooseok answered back. "i don't care about the money in it. this is a confidential mission and it's being ruined---"

"isn't it your responsibility? why blame her?" seungwoo said coldly, matching the look on his eyes.

"you can calm down, ahgassi. here, this may help." yuvin politely whispered as he offered her tea while the two detectives are bickering. gaea just smiled at him.

she regrets being greedy that time. whether she knows or not about the situation and consequence, it wouldn't help if she thought for her own good first.

"ms. lee," detective han turned to her, "this may be dangerous. i hope you didn't open this in any way."

their attention were once again on her with different looks on their eyes.

gaea doesn't know how to answer so she looked down again. with much disappointment, loud sighs can be heard, and wooseok has been more furious. meanwhile, detective han grew more worried.

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