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"finally." song heejun applaud at the sight of gaea. anger can be seen from his eyes. after knowing the incident at their house, heejun immediately did a clever move. a temporary restraining order was granted for him to push away gaea from the boys. but this only made her more determined.

"you look so happy right now, heejun." gaea smiled, "aren't you afraid if it's your last victory?"

heejun sneered, "are you confident because the police is on your side?" he gave a discomforting look and stepped forward to gaea who didn't even move a bit. "you sure they are?"

gaea scanned his eyes, looking for how he meant by what he just said. it could mean a lot of things, especially in her situation. she could sense the lack of trust towards her considering she's been suspected, and they want her closer.

whatever he meant by that, gaea only raised a brow, "are you confident enough?"


after some hours in the hearing, the two sides were able to go home. it seems as if heejun gets the judge's sympathy. but it will never end there, gaea thought.

"aren't you going to see the boys? I'll give you an hour." heejun said, catching up on gaea who didn't even took a glance of him.

it's annoying just how he makes her look petty. gaea didn't utter a word and just went on with her lawyer.

"that's right. you should be used to that."

gaea turned to him with a calm posture and a raging heart. "if i were you, i won't waste an hour to watching my enemy with the thing we're fighting for. and i won't lose a lifetime opportunity in exchange of an hour." she fired back.

she hates hearing more of his petty words. if only this could end now, if only she could take the boys back, if only they could live together now... but those thoughts drifted away and became faults. what if i was stronger before, what if i was better?

those were all she's thinking while treading her way outside the court room, not even sure if there would be anyone who trusts her completely, or if the kids still believe her promise.

all the while she's been afraid, now is the time to prove what she can do... to accomplish what she promised to them.

"I told you to watch out. But I guess you're not as keen as I thought."


"look more thoroughly!" the old chief yelled at his constituents. the station is currently in chaos after finding out that someone has been watching them all the time.

"here, sir." cho seungyoun came in after finding two hidden surveillance cameras inside their team's office.

the police officers rewinded the surveillance clips to look for the one who installed these but they couldn't find anything helpful.

"sir, these are all the clips we have and we're still searching. strangely, there is one clip that we cannot retrieve." lee jinhyuk explained.

out of frustration, the chief stomped on the hideous camera until it broke into pieces. "what? when is that clip?"

jinhyuk sighed, "the day of the gunman, bo yongil's death. the same day we found the evidence that detective kim wooseok lost."

there is one person they could think of, "where is detective kim and detective han?"


"what took you so long?" kim wooseok asked first thing upon seeing gaea while leaning on the wall.

she was surprised to see him at their place. before the hearing, gaea decided to live at one of ong's houses, small but comfortable enough. but she also pays rent to pay her friend's kindness. ong promised to give her a discount until she gets the custody of the three when she insisted to pay.

"uh, what made you come here, detective kim?" she asked instead of answering him.

wooseok only pocketed his hands and walked towards her. "i was told you have no work schedule today after the first hearing." he stood in front of her trying to be warm and different from the first day they met.

"do you have, uh, something... to tell me?" gaea asked still confused of his reason.

kim wooseok only stared at her, completely unpredictable. "is it because you still suspect me?" gaea sighed, she heard enough of this. she already knew that they're only trying to get something from her. although they're doing it in accordance to their job, it still hurts for her. she thought she finally found someone to trust enough when she's afraid.

"that's just one of the reasons." wooseok answered and put on his warm jacket on gaea.

gaea couldn't help to think about how he distrust people including her. she feels as if she's one of the enemies they want to get closer with. it's as if she's being accused of something she never did and even when she try to prove them wrong, it won't be enough.

she has never been trusted before.

on the other hand, wooseok tries to make up excuses. he doesn't know what really took him here. maybe he just got used at the short time they lived in his apartment. the times when he would wake up with laughter in the room beside his, when he would play with the kids while waiting for gaea to arrive, when he would get home with some homemade food by his door.

"do you still skip breakfasts?" gaea asks to break the silence between them.

all this time, he never cared for anyone's judgment on him whether he did right or wrong.

"I got used to it."

but why does she still smile at him after all the bad things he told her?

he never trusted anyone before.


Hi, everyone! I'm really sorry for not updating in about three months. I have so much plans for this story but my sched is more packed than usual.


- dei

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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