Chapter 23- Unbelievable

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Chapter 23

You end up staying with Namjoon for the remainder of the day and night, you lost count of the times you guys messed around. Your body felt sore and you were overly tired. You guys spent a majority of the night talking and making out, you kept having to pinch yourself. The whole day felt like a dream and you really didn't want to wake up, but the bed shifts and you groan.

"Good morning to you to"

You smile at the deep voice and peak up at the naked man. "Go back to sleep baby, I'll order you some food before I take off" you nod and turn in the sheets, glancing over at his bare ass as he disappears into the bathroom. You whistle  making him glance back at you and chuckle.

You laugh as well and reach for your phone as Namjoon turns the water on. You see a few texts from Jungkook as well as Seokjin, you quickly text Jungkook back letting him know you are in fact alive.

He quickly sends a relieved emoji, you then text Seokjin asking to meet him a little later today. He happily agrees, the two of you needed to have a serious conversation about the decision that was made yesterday. The knot in your stomach tightens at the thought of hurting that gorgeous man but your heart and mind knew it needed to be done. Your heart always secretly chose Namjoon.

You sigh before jumping up and heading towards the bathroom, namjoon is singing some song lowly and you can't help but laugh making him jump.

"Aw why'd you stop you know I love your singing voice"

He rolls his eyes as you step into the shower "You love making fun of me for it" you laugh some more and then stand on your tip toes to kiss his lips, he ducks down to meet you and wraps his arms around your small frame.

"Mmm I definitely can get used to this every morning"

You blush and shake your head making his smile deepen, his adorable dimples peak out. You close your eyes as he rests his forehead against yours, the two of you enjoying the silent intimate moment. Namjoon lets out a content sigh making you smile more.

"I love you so much"

You pull away and look up at him, he licks his lips making you shiver. "I love you to Namjoon" you giggle as his dimples deepen and his hands quickly move from your waist to your ass, grabbing two good handfuls. "Careful I'm bruised and sore" you warn with a pout, he blushes.

"Sorry baby"

You pull him close and kiss his chest making him exhale "Don't be sorry...daddy" he groans looking back down at you with lust filled eyes. You laugh a little and feel the excitement building in your lower abdomen.

"I always knew you had a daddy kink"

He blushes more, gripping your ass harder  now and pressing into you making you whimper. "And I always knew you had a choking kink" he husks sliding his hand slowly back up your back and around to your neck. You gasp feeling the pressure already.

His eyes rip into yours as his grip tightens just slightly, you can feel your kitten pulsating now, wanting to be touched once more. You let out a low whine and Namjoon groans releasing your throat and breathing a little more heavy now. You bite your lower lip and step under the warm water, your body instantly shivers.

"You're going to make me late for work"

Namjoon smirks his eyes looking over your bruised body, you chuckle turning away from him and letting the water run over your face. The warmth felt nice on your sore skin. Namjoon comes up and kisses your shoulder softly "Sorry again for being so rough baby" he inhales as you rest your head against his chest "You just do something to me..."

"I already told you don't be sorry, I'm pretty sure I was begging daddy to get rough with me"

You smirk turning towards him once again this time with a soapy sponge in hand. He groans again as you start to wash his torso for him, he licks and then bites his lower lip before shaking his head at you.

"Again why did it take us so long to get together?"

You laugh and slide a soapy hand down his chest before grabbing at his half hard member "Mmm cause you're stubborn and..." he gasps at your touch, you slowly glide your hand up and down his shaft making his thick member wake up fully. "Hard headed" you wink and he growls.



You jump and look over towards the voice, your hand on your chest as the other grips your doorknob tight.

"Jesus Jungkook you scared the crap out of me"

He laughs as he shoves some chips into his mouth "what are you still doing here anyways? It's been like 24hrs sense I left you...maybe longer" You mumble closing and locking the door.

"Was I suppose to leave? Your place is so cozy plus the lighting set up you have in your room is A+ made my cock look great"

Your eyes double as You quickly pick up your shoe and throw it at his head "You did a live in my room!" Unfortunately he dodges it "Sorry, I was bored so I was snooping and found your panties drawer and well you know" he winks over at you and you shake your head.

"If I wasn't so exhausted right now I'd kick your fucking ass"

You make your way over to him and sit down next to him, he clearly made himself at home. Sitting in his boxer briefs with your throw blanket draped over his lap and chest, he had drank most of your wine and ate most of your snacks. This guy was unbelievable.

"So sense I talked to Jin a few hours ago and you weren't with him...I'm guessing you made a choice and let Namjoon down easy or you fucked Namjoon a few times and now your all smitten"

You blush and he just laughs "Poor Seokjin, did you tell him yet?" Your smile disappears as you shake your head no "We're meeting up in about an hour to talk" he nods his head and stretches.

"I guess I better get out of here then" He mumbles getting to his feet and rummaging through his mess to get his pants. "Probably, but I'm meeting him at his place." You frown before getting to your feet.

Jungkook nods and then pulls you to his chest into a warm hug. You hesitate for a moment before giving in and hugging the weird man that has oddly become a great friend.

"By the way, some people put two and two together when I was jerking off in your room, so Uh they think we're fucking"



Have a great turkey day
Love you all

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