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"Kaden," Ryan said. "Jason's twin? He's here?"

"Specifically, he's returning from his trip today," Zeke sighed. "He'll go to school tomorrow. He's going to turn this upside down."

He raised an eyebrow. "And what do we have to do with me and Shaun?"

Shaun looked at them back and forth. If one Pride was bad, another one was going to be worse.

Ever since fourth grade, Jason had done many horrible no average elementary student could think of. Shaun remembered the time when he snuck in drugs in his backpack.

There was another time when Jason stole test answers just to receive the valedictorian award. He did, and no one caught him. It was unfair.

But then the news struck during summer, when Jason died of pneumonia complications. It was sad indeed, but Shaun could break an evil grin. He finally got what he deserved, he had thought.

Until Kaden Pride came around.

". . .needs to be aware," Zeke said. "We could be prepared and take him out this time."

"But this is high school!" Ryan exclaimed, annoyed. "Maybe the Prides have changed now." He paused. "Jason is dead. What if he's the only one black sheep in the family?"

"Well. . ." Shaun said. "if it's probably a twin. . ." His voice trailed off, unable to reason out.

"What if he's changed?" Ryan pressed. "We won't know that yet until he arrives."

Zeke had been oddly silent.

"Fine," Shaun huffed. "We'll see tomorrow. If he's a threat, then we need to eliminate him before he does any damage."

"But we need to be wary," Zeke added. "We shouldn't be too naive."

Ryan didn't talk this time. Clearly he was deep in thought.

"Zeke," Shaun said slowly, eyeing him. "if you don't mind."

He nodded. Then he stood up and left the room. Now that left Shaun and Ryan, alone.

Shaun took a deep breath. "You know," he said, looking at the floor and trying not to make eye contact with Ryan. "we haven't been talking too much lately."

"Busy much?" he spat.


"Are you trying to say this as if you care about me?" Ryan said. "Because if you do, don't. I need some personal space."

Shaun stood up and sat beside him. "If there's anything you need to tell me, tell me now."

"The only thing I can tell you right now is that this is getting creepier by the minute. So please stop it already."

"You know. . ." Shaun said slowly. "I've been struggling with these. . .these, um—"

"Homosexual tendencies," Ryan admitted. "I know."

He was surprised. "How did you know that? I've never told you about it."

Ryan smirked, but still didn't make any eye contact. "I have my ways."

Shaun just stared at those auburn eyes. He was charmed at the dancing fire in his eyes, like there was something that made him attractive. . .

He shook off that thought. Shit. His homosexual tendencies struck again.

Ryan lay on his bed behind the spot where Shaun was sitting. He was still shirtless. Shaun wanted to touch his chest while he was asleep. . .

He sighed. "I've got a shit ton of work to pass before the party. You?"

"Nah," Shaun replied. "Just turned in the last of my assignments."

"Good for you."

Shaun smirked at that.

His smirk then faded and the silence returned to linger between them.

Then the door opened and Brandon stepped in. Shaun looked up.

Brandon closed the door behind him. "Haven't you heard? Kaden Pride is finally going to school tomorrow." He seemed more excited than scared, unlike Shaun.

He shuddered. "I've heard. And who knows what that asshole would do to me."

Brandon frowned. "What do you mean?"

He waved it aside. "Nothing."

Brandon strode towards his bed and plopped down. For a few seconds, he just stared at nowhere. Then he sat down.

"Ryan," he said.

Ryan lifted his head a little to meet his gaze. "What?"

"The band."

He sat up immediately, as if he remembered something. "Shit!"

"What's going on?" Shaun asked them.

But then Ryan and Brandon were in a roll. "We need to discuss it with the others," Ryan said, avoiding Shaun's question. "Now."

They stood up and dashed out of the room. Shaun was alone. Again.

He stayed in that pose for a full minute, staring at the door of the dorm. When he knew he wasn't coming back, he sighed.

He stood up and looked around. Brandon and Giovanni are nowhere to be seen. Alone. Again, he thought.

Shaun walked to his locker and opened it again. This time, he took out a photo album and skimmed past the photos until one of them caught his eye.

Shaun placed his finger on a picture of forty-three students and a teacher. They were all wearing multicolored t-shirts, forming a rainbow from left to right.

He still recognized his face back then. He smirked.

He recognized his other classmates—Zeke, Jamie, Kendrick, Arabella. . .there were so many he knew. He smiled, treasuring all the memories they had together as one family.

And to the right. . .Shaun dragged his finger across the picture to find Jason Pride's toothy smile. He's cute, he thought. But I wouldn't be fooled by his smile.

Shaun flipped to the next page, revealing pictures of his birthday. They were in the beach with his family. His smile in the photo was contagious even to him now.

He knew a small tear escaped from his eyes.

"I miss you," he said, touching the photo.

"Are you okay?" someone asked.

Shaun immediately closed the photo album as soon as he heard the voice. His nerves steeled. His anger boiled, but he tried to keep it under control. He dared not make eye contact. "I'm fine, Kaden."

"What?" the same voice asked. "I'm not Kaden."

Shaun turned to where the voice was coming from. "Drake?" he said, dumbfounded. Then he slapped himself. "Oh my. . .why would I even think you're Kaden? What the fuck."

"Ha. Ha," Drake said, almost sneering. "He's still coming tomorrow." He sighed. "I just want to check if you're okay."

"I'm fine," Shaun repeated.

But Drake was already out of the room.

Shaun was afraid, just a little bit. What if he felt offended after I accidentally mistook him for Kaden? Or when I ditched him?

He froze for a few minutes and sighed.

Shaun lay down on his bed, on top of Gio's bed. Eventually, he decided it was best to stay, and let time pass.

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