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There was a crowd forming when Shaun walked into the stadium. He sat on the first row near the exit, which was completely deserted. Everyone was practically on the left side of the bleachers.

In front of him, the soccer field was being groomed. He saw two people scattering powder on the field to distinguish the lines in the field. Shaun sighed, a little bit annoyed about the sun shining, like it was eating his skin away, bit by bit.

Shaun felt overwhelmed and completely tired. If he could leave the place, he would. And then he could spend the weekend lazing around, like he always did.

But it was for Ryan of course. He wanted him to come to the field and watch him play. Not that it was needed of course, but he wanted it, so that was what he was going to get.

Shaun covered his eyes against the sun. It was already four in the afternoon, and the sun was staring directly at him. I should've sat on the other side, he thought. Blasted heat. Curse you.

But then came something he wanted to ignore.

Kaden appeared in his sight and Shaun's anger boiled. If I could strangle that boy, I'd do it with pleasure.

Then they locked eyes. "Hey Shaun," he grunted.

Shaun raised the middle finger and mouthed the words. Fuck you.

He laughed heartily. "Really Shaun? That's your impression on me?"

"Bastard," Shaun muttered.

Kaden sighed. "Whatever. You know I don't give a shit about your antics, so I don't care how you react."

Shaun faked a yawn. Kaden was about to say something but instead he steeled himself and walked away without another word.

Don't mess with me, bitch, he thought. You better don't.

"Shaun?" came a voice.

His hairs suddenly stood on end. A shiver ran down in his spine. He turned to find Ryan dressed in his soccer gear.

"H-hey," he muttered.

"You're blushing." Ryan laughed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm alright."

"I want you to come with me." His eyes twinkled. "I-I have a surprise."

His heart pounded faster. "What is it?"

The soccer player snickered. "You'll see." Then he stood up and began walking down the stairs and to the lowest level of the bleachers. He was walking beside the white line near him on the edge of the field.

Shaun stood up and followed him.

They exited the arena and went to the gym. Usually at this point, it was filled to the brim with noisy students, running around and playing basketball. Shaun remembered one time when Chris actually slipped off the ground and sprained his ankle on the court. They had a good laugh about it.

But now, since it was Friday afternoon, it was silent, like not a single soul had been here.

Shaun and Ryan stopped by the center of the court. They stood in front of each other.

"What is it?" Shaun couldn't help blushing.

"Hold my hand," Ryan commanded.

It was awkward at first. But eventually, their fingers laced around each other's and now they had their heads bowed down.

"Ryan. . ." Shaun muttered, blushing harder. "You-you know that everyone would see, right?"

He snorted softly. "If I'm with you, I'm alright. Now, look at me, Shaun."

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