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Shaun sat on the usual table during lunch the next day. The regular noise of chatter filled the room. He would look around the canteen, since he was bored.

"Oh my god!" a girl exclaimed at the distance in front of her. "There he is! Kaden Pride!"

Then the entire room became a frenzy. Kaden barged into the canteen from the northwest entrance from where Shaun was sitting. Girls screamed and wowed.

"Kaden! OMG, he's so hot!" one girl exclaimed.

"Aaahhh!" another girl screamed at the top of her lungs. "Look at his eyes! They're beautiful."

Shaun heard a third mutter. "You should've seen him and Julie at the dance. They totally rocked!"

Shaun had to admit. That was Kaden, after all. Even to Shaun he looked so charming. What a pity, he thought, frowning. to those who would fall for him. They wouldn't even know what would come next.

He heaved a sigh, and even he couldn't hear it himself. The loud screams began to annoy him. Shaun stood up and held his tray on both hands as he walked towards the disposal area, but he knew he had to pass by Kaden's table.

The frenzy began dying down but all the shouts were starting to get to him. Kaden had already settled on his table along with his other friends. Shaun recognized a few of them of course. Frank Callaghan. James de Vera. Eman Connors. Most of them were boys.

He turned by their table, and before he could do anything, he bumped to one of them who was trying to stand. He was taller than him, and the guy looked menacingly at him. Those eyes looked directly at his soul.

Shaun looked down to the guy's chest nervously. "Sorry," he muttered.

"What are you trying to do?" the guy boomed. His voice echoed around the canteen. "Don't you understand I'm trying to get up?"

Shaun's heart began to beat faster. "I—I wasn't. . .I wasn't—"

"You weren't aware?!" the guy exclaimed. Then he took a step closer. "You should know where you're going, pipsqueak. Or it's not going to end well for you."

"Stop," Kaden said, grasping they guy's hand. "Just. . .stop it Julian."

Julian turned to face Kaden. "I'm trying to give advice!" he exclaimed, exasperated. But Kaden wasn't looking at him.

His eyes locked onto Shaun's for a second, and neither of them could register it.

"Hey," Julian interrupted. "Hey, are you okay?" He waved his hand on Kaden's sight, before he blinked.

He swallowed. "Um, yeah. I'm fine."

Shaun blinked. He saw Julian staring at him. "Scram already!" he yelled.

Shaun's cheeks flushed again, and he hurried out of the canteen, fearing that the entire school might be laughing behind him.

Kaden caught up to Shaun after school. "Hey."

Shaun shivered. Shit, he thought.

"Can we talk? For, like, um. . .a while?" he asked me, looking around nervously as if somebody was following him.

He swallowed. "Um, sure."

Kaden hinted a smile. "Nice. Walk with me to the dorm."

They walked a few paces before Kaden spoke up. "I'm sorry."

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