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Shaun sighed again. He stared at his phone. The text message was bugging him again.

It was morning break, which meant it was halfway through the class on Friday. He was sitting at the back of the room this time. Shaun looked across and saw Kaden sitting near the window.

Shaun refrained from letting his anger rise again. It won't help. It wouldn't help.

He looked at his phone. But Shaun knew it was him. "Kaden sent that fucking text message," he seethed.

Then they locked eyes. Kaden stood up and walked to Shaun. He quickly turned off his phone and pocketed it.

Kaden sat on Shaun's table. "Hey," he said.

"Um, hey," Shaun answered.

"Why are you so tight, man?" he noted. "Loosen up."

Shaun bit back a response and instead stayed silent.

"Is it because of the gay business?" Kaden asked me a little louder than usual, causing a few people behind them to snicker. He folded his arms. "It's not so bad."

"Fuck you," Shaun mumbled.

He laughed. "What did I do to you?" He fixed his eyes on Shaun. "I didn't bother you or Ryan. What's the matter? Just because my face is like this doesn't mean I'm making trouble for you."

Shaun stood up. "But what if you are?" he shot back.

Kaden stood on the aisle, still maintaining eye contact with Shaun. "What did you say?"

"What if you are?!" Shaun shouted. "You just keep sticking your nosy face into our lives. Because that's who you are. A fucking stalker."

He shrugged. "And so? Why are you mad at me?"

Shaun took a step closer to him and whispered, "You sent that fucking text message two nights ago, didn't you?"

His face contorted for a second then he shook his head. "What do you mean?"

"The text message, dammit! That message that left me traumatized for two days now!"

"I don't know any text messages," Kaden blurted out. He gave him a look of concern that was obviously fake. "Why are you asking me this?"

Shaun seethed. "How about I'll shove it up your mouth? Let's see if you can keep talking."

He sneered. "Oh it's on."

Shaun screamed in annoyance. Then he clenched his fists and punched Kaden, knocking the wind out of him. He staggered back in surprise as the students in the room stood up and widened their eyes in shock.

Kaden touched his lip. Blood. "I see," he muttered, breathing hard. "That is how we play."

Then he rushed forward and punched him back. Shaun felt like all the air left his lungs. He fell to the floor, clutching his stomach. Kaden appeared over him and began throwing fist after fist at him. Shaun's face hurt. Everything hurt.

"Mr. Pride!" a high-pitched voice screeched. Shaun recognized that voice. "Stop the fighting and go to the principal's office, right now! Mr. Fierro, Mr. Waters, help your classmate and bring him to the infirmary."

He smirked. "You get what you fucking deserved."

Then Kaden whipped around and punched Shaun one last time.

Ryan met Shaun outside the office. "Looks like we're on the same page now," Shaun groaned. "He's going to let my parents know."

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