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"Gab's at the office," Drake announced to Shaun when he closed the door to the infirmary. They walked back to the dorm, which was barely lit by the lights at the distance.

Shaun sighed. He placed the packet of ice on the bruise. He took it away from him the second that it touched his skin, like it burned him for some reason. "I'm never going to forgive him after this."

Drake huffed. "Not a surprise. Does the ice pack make you feel too cold?"

Shaun just nodded and placed it again. This time, he was handling it. "But it's no biggie."

They decided to take the long path: a dusty road on the right that sloped as you got higher. Shaun strolled forward, clutching the cold pack. It was so cold that it was like numbing his skin.

"I'm never going to forgive Ryan for this too," Shaun mumbled to himself in particular. Drake just stared at him blankly. He shook his head. "Never mind."

The cool wind meets them midway, and this time, Shaun shivered. It seemed to amplify the coldness on the pack.

"Julie's been acting more sentimental lately," Drake said offhandedly.

Shaun winced. He just remembered about Julie, thanks to that inquiry. How's she?"

"Well. . .she keeps raving about you."

She's still hurt, Shaun thought. "She is?"

Drake looked away. He thought he was embarrassed. "Yeah. Um, about the acquaintance party almost a month ago. She's still shocked. It's weird how girls like her couldn't just move on." He heard him sigh. "Like me. Had a crush in elementary, but we broke up when I came here. We were head over heels, but now we just shrug and say hi. Why can't they do it too?"

"They're not you." Shaun laughed. "Everyone can't be the same like you. Or they'll end up edgy and rich." He smirked.

Drake made a face, though Shaun couldn't really make it out. "But everyone wants to be rich, right?"

He laughed again. "At least there's that, but that's not the point. The point is—"

"I know, I know. I get it," his friend said. "You don't need to point that out at me."

Shaun shrugged. "Fine."

They enter the building, which was quiet. He looked at the analogue clock on the wall near the lobby which read around fifteen minutes past ten. It was already past curfew. Some lights were on, and oddly, the office remained lit.

"We should go," Drake hissed.

Shaun nodded and climbed the stairs. Their steps echoed around the premises. The dark corridor on the second floor reminded Shaun of the horror movies he had watched. Maybe I should watch some movies again. . .he thought. It's a bummer missing that out.

They reached the third floor when they parted ways. "See you tomorrow," Shaun said to Drake, his voice echoing around the room. Okay, he might had said that a little too loudly.

Drake already had his back turned and was walking to the corner. He raised a hand as a sign of goodbye and he was gone.

Shaun sighed again and entered the room. When he opened the door, the first thing he saw was Giovanni and Brandon frozen in shock and awe. He clutched the pack tighter.

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