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"Wait," Giovanni paused, getting to his feet and standing in between Zeke and Shaun. "You're in love in Ryan?!"

"Shh!" Shaun said hurriedly. "Don't say it too loud, please!"

"Isn't that illegal?" Brandon asked innocently. "Falling in love with a guy?"

"Holy shi—" Zeke interjected. "You're gay?!"

Sweat began to bead his forehead. "No—I mean—yes, but could you just let me—"

"Shit, bro! You've got to be kidding me."

"Let me explain, dammit!" Shaun exclaimed so loudly that everyone in the room fell silent instantly. His voice was hoarse. Tears were welling up.

Shaun sniffed. "I—" he began, but he cut himself. He shouldn't be telling about the kiss. Or any of the ordeal. "How—how did you guys know anyway?"

"Luis told me," Zeke answered casually.

"But how did you know?!" Shaun exclaimed. "It was supposed to be a secret."

He shrugged. "I don't know."

"But—" Instantly, Kaden came into mind. Shaun's eyes burned with hate and anger. "Kaden. He did this. He fucking did this."

Giovanni raised and eyebrow. "Kaden? We barely knew him, and just because he's popular means you're blaming him?"

"No," Shaun said quickly. He glanced at Zeke, who exchanged a grim look with him. Gio never knew about the long-term grudge he had against Jason and now, his twin. And he thought it was best to keep it that way.

He sighed. "Look. It's—it's just. . ." Shaun bit his lip. "It's more than that, okay? Actually, we had a little bit of history with him."

"Wha. . .how?!" Giovanni asked.

"Shh," Zeke advised him. "Let him speak."

And so he told him. About Jason. About his elementary days. About his evil schemes. About his twin. About the acquaintance party. Everything.

In the end, Shaun was surprised and impressed he took it all in. Gio just nodded silently. Those things he told him had driven him almost to insanity for months. And he just took it in a few minutes.

"So. . .the guy—"

He nodded. "Jason."

"Yeah, him. He's actually Kaden's dead twin?"

Shaun sighed. "Yeah. And it's actually starting to creep me out."

"You still have to tell us how you got to love Shaun!" Zeke exclaimed loudly, drastically changing the mood. The room was charge with energy. "I still—ah. I still can't believe it!"

"No!" Shaun shouted back. "It's—it was supposed to be a secret. No one should've known."

He breathed slowly before he continued. "Kaden's behind this. I'm sure of it." His friends gave space as he jumped from the bed to the ground. "I need to talk with him."

Before they could reply, he placed his finger on his lips. "Don't tell anyone, you hear me? No one should know about it. No one should know that I love him."

The others opened their mouths, about to reply but Shaun slipped past Brandon and Giovanni and walked out of the room. Shaun shut the door behind him.

Actually, he went straight to Ryan. Shaun needed to break the news to him.

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