My book is finished and I'm crying
Thank you for reading, thank you for putting up with my English, idk how bad it is *laughs nervously*
I feel so weird ending this
As you might have read, I suck at proposal speeches.
I was like three words into it when I just sat back like 'idk how to propose to someone' and then I read proposal parts in fanfics for about an hour to get inspiration (and to read fanfic)What I actually wanted to say is that you are amazing and cool and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
If they do, remember, amberstyleshemmo (me, Amber) thinks you're cool and amazing, just like a penguin.
Yeah penguins are amazing. Pretty damn amazing.
If you liked my writing style you could probably go and check out one of my other fanfics?
SPECIAL - A Harry Styles fanfiction
Begin Again - Luke Hemmings
Loony Bin ~ Michael CliffordOr follow my twitter @5SOSsavedme_20 *shamelessly self promoting*
I'm lying I'm ashamed
I'm only just starting to write fanfictions and I feel like this one was pretty crappy... Somehow rushed and it's not becoming clear how Calum feels haha shoot.Well however
- Amber xox